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Statement by the Prime Minister on first anniversary of Ukrainian election

December 27, 2005

Prime Minister Paul Martin today issued the following statement on the anniversary of the Ukrainian election:

“A year ago Ukrainians went to the polls in a compelling affirmation of their democratic rights. Canada congratulates Ukraine on the anniversary of this truly historic event. It has been a year of great challenges and difficulties, which President Yushchenko has met with courage and resolve.

Canada sent an unprecedented number of election observers to the 2004 presidential rerun as part of the inaugural mission of Canada Corps, and we were proud to play a meaningful role in those elections. Ukrainian-Canadian relations have been further strengthened during the past year. Ukraine's designation as one of Canada's key development partners is just one example of the way in which our two countries continue to support each other and work together toward common goals and future progress.

Canada will continue to support the efforts of the Ukrainian government to introduce significant political and economic reforms that will strengthen Ukraine as a democracy with strong Euro-Atlantic ties and as a partner in global security issues."

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