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Members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada
Historical alphabetical list since 1867

Version: August 24, 2006

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Current alphabetical list list | Current chronological list | Historical chronological list

Name Date Sworn
The Honourable 
Anthony Chisholm Abbott
September 15, 1976
The Honourable
Douglas Charles Abbott
April 18, 1945
The Honourable
Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott
May 13, 1887
The Honourable
Peter Adams
July 20, 2004
The Honourable
Thomas Ahearn
January 16, 1928
The Honourable
James Cox Aikins
December 8, 1869
The Honourable
Reginald B. Alcock
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Lincoln MacCauley Alexander
June 4, 1979
Earl Alexander of Tunis January 29, 1952
The Honourable
George William Allan
June 1, 1891
The Honourable
William Warren Allmand
November 27, 1972
The Honourable
Rona Ambrose
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
David Anderson
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
Robert Knight Andras
July 6, 1968
The Honourable
Harvie Andre
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Sir Auguste Réal Angers
 December 7, 1892
The Honourable
Sir Adams George Archibald
July 1, 1867
The Honourable
Hazen Robert Argue
March 3, 1980
The Honourable
Walter Morley Aseltine
December 28, 1961
The Right Honourable
Martial Asselin
March 18, 1963
The Honourable
Ronald George Atkey
June 4, 1979
The Honourable
Jean Augustine
May 26, 2002
The Honourable
Jacob Austin
September 22, 1981
The Honourable
Lloyd Axworthy
March 3, 1980
The Honourable
Sir Allen Bristol Aylesworth
October 16, 1905
The Honourable
Louis François Georges Baby
October 26, 1878
The Honourable
Larry Bagnell
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Navdeep Bains
October 7, 2005
The Honourable
John Baird
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
George Baker
August 3, 1999
The Honourable
Walter David Baker
June 4, 1979
The Honourable
Eleni Bakopanos
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Léon Balcer
June 21, 1957
The Right Honourable
Stanley Baldwin
August 2, 1927
The Honourable
Charles Colquhoun Ballantyne
October 3, 1917
The Honourable
Samuel Barker
February 28, 1913
The Honourable
Susan Barnes
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Stanley Ronald Basford
July 6, 1968
The Honourable
John White Hughes Bassett
November 30, 1989
The Honourable
John Babington Macaulay Baxter
September 21, 1921
The Honourable
Henry Perrin Beatty
June 4, 1979
The Honourable
Louis René Beaudoin
April 15, 1957
The Honourable
Elie Beauregard
May 12, 1953
The Honourable
Monique Bégin
September 15, 1976
The Honourable
Frédéric Liguori Béique
May 20, 1925
The Honourable
Henri Sévérin Béland
August 19, 1911
The Honourable
Mauril Bélanger
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Napoléon Antoine Belcourt
January 12, 1905
The Honourable
Richard Albert Bell
August 9, 1962
The Honourable
Louis de Gonzague Belley
September 21, 1921
The Honourable
William Moore Benidickson 
April 22, 1963
The Honourable
Carolyn Bennett
December 12, 2003
The Right Honourable
Richard Bedford Bennett
October 4, 1921 
The Honourable
William Andrew Cecil Bennett
July 5, 1967
The Honourable
William Richards Bennett
April 17, 1982
The Honourable
Edgar John Benson
June 29, 1964
The Honourable
Maxime Bernier
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
Michel-Esdras Bernier
June 22, 1900
The Honourable
Ernest Bertrand
October 7, 1942
The Honourable
Maurizio Bevilacqua
January 15, 2002
The Honourable
André Bissonnette
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Conrad M. Black
July 1, 1992
The Honourable
George Black
August 3, 1951
The Honourable
William Anderson Black
June 29, 1926
The Honourable
Jean-Pierre Blackburn
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
Rev. William Alexander Blaikie
February 19, 2004
The Honourable
Adam Johnston Fergusson Blair
July 1, 1867
The Honourable
Andrew George Blair
July 20, 1896
The Honourable
Jean-Jacques Blais
September 15, 1976
The Honourable
Pierre Blais
August 27, 1987
The Honourable
Suzanne Blais-Grenier
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Dominick Edward Blake
November 7, 1873
The Honourable
Allan Emrys Blakeney
April 17, 1982
The Honourable
Pierre Edouard Blondin
October 20, 1914
The Honourable
Ethel Blondin-Andrew
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
Georges Henri Boivin
September 5, 1925
The Honourable
Joseph Bolduc
February 22, 1921
The Honourable
Paul Bonwick
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Sir Frederick William Borden
July 13, 1896
The Right Honourable
Sir Robert Laird Borden
October 10, 1911
The Honourable
John William Bosley
June 30, 1987
The Honourable
Hewitt Bostock 
December 29, 1921
The Honourable
Amos Edwin Botsford
June 1, 1891
The Honourable
Benoît Bouchard
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Lucien Bouchard
March 31, 1988
The Honourable
J. Bernard Boudreau
October 4, 1999
The Honourable
Don Boudria
October 4, 1996
The Honourable
Maurice Bourget
February 22, 1966
The Honourable
Jocelyne Bourgon
December 14, 1998
The Honourable
James Bourque 
July 1, 1992
The Honourable
Sir Mackenzie Bowell
October 19, 1878
The Honourable
James Langstaff Bowman
February 23, 1950
The Honourable
John Bracken
May 4, 1962
The Honourable
Frederick Gordon Bradley
April 1, 1949
The Honourable
Claudette Bradshaw
November 23, 1998
The Honourable
Herb Breau
June 30, 1984
The Honourable
Hedley Francis Gregory Bridges
August 30, 1945
The Honourable
Scott Brison
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Edmund James Bristol
September 21, 1921
The Honourable
John Edward Broadbent
April 17, 1982
The Honourable
Louis-Philippe Brodeur
January 19, 1904
The Honourable
Charles Rosner Bronfman
October 21, 1992
The Honourable
Frederic Erskine Bronson
August 23, 1951
The Honourable
Alfred Johnson Brooks
June 21, 1957
The Honourable
Pauline Browes
April 21, 1991
The Honourable
Rosemary Brown
April 20, 1993
The Honourable
William Joseph Browne
June 21, 1957
The Honourable
Robert B. Bryce 
April 19, 1984
The Honourable
J. Judd Buchanan
August 8, 1974
The Honourable
John MacLennan Buchanan
April 17, 1982
The Honourable
Joseph Roger Rémi Bujold
June 30, 1984
The Honourable
Sarmite Bulte
July 20, 2004
The Honourable
Charles Jost Burchell
April 1, 1949
The Honourable
Jacques Bureau
December 29, 1921
The Honourable
Isaac Burpee
November 11, 1873
The Honourable
Martin Burrell
October 16, 1911
The Honourable
Pierre Bussières
March 3, 1980
The Honourable
Gerry Byrne
January 16, 2002
The Honourable
Charles L. Caccia
September 22, 1981
The Honourable
Léo Alphonse Joseph Cadieux
February 15, 1965
The Honourable
Pierre H. Cadieux
 June 30, 1986
The Honourable
Norman A. Cafik
September 16, 1977
The Honourable
Charles Hazlitt Cahan
August 7, 1930
The Honourable
James Alexander Calder
October 12, 1917
The Honourable
Iona Campagnolo
September 15, 1976
The Honourable
Sir Alexander Campbell
July 1, 1867
The Honourable
Alexander Bradshaw Campbell
July 5, 1967
The Right Honourable
A. Kim Campbell
January 30, 1989
The Honourable
W. Bennett Campbell
September 22, 1981
The Honourable
Ralph Osborne Campney
October 15, 1952
The Honourable
Lawrence Cannon
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
Lucien Cannon
September 25, 1926
The Honourable
Elinor Caplan
August 3, 1999
The Honourable
Louis Joseph Lucien Cardin
April 22, 1963
The Honourable
Pierre Joseph Arthur Cardin
January 30, 1924
The Honourable
Sir John Carling
May 23, 1882
The Honourable
Patricia Carney
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Joseph-Philippe-René-Adolphe Caron
November 8, 1880
The Honourable
M. Aileen Carroll
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Sharon Carstairs
January 9, 2001
The Honourable
Sir George Etienne Cartier
July 1, 1867
The Right Honourable
John Robert Cartwright
September 4, 1967
The Right Honourable
Sir Richard John Cartwright
November 7, 1873
The Honourable
Frank Broadstreet Carvell
October 13, 1917 
The Honourable
Pierre François Casgrain
May 2, 1940 
The Honourable
Thomas Chase Casgrain
October 20, 1914
The Honourable
Richard Cashin
July 1, 1992
The Honourable
Joseph Edouard Cauchon
December 7, 1875 
The Honourable
Martin Cauchon
January 25, 1996
The Honourable
John Léo Chabot
July 19, 1926
The Honourable
Baljit Singh Chadha
February 20, 2003
The Honourable
Brenda Kay Chamberlain
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Andrée Champagne
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Raymond Chan
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
Jean Charles Chapais
July 1, 1867
The Honourable
Sir Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau 
July 29, 1882
The Honourable
James Dew Chaplin
July 13, 1926
The Honourable
Guy Charbonneau
October 17, 1996
The Honourable
Yvon Charbonneau
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Jean J. Charest
June 30, 1986
The Honourable
William Andrew Charlton
May 28, 1921
The Honourable
Saul Mark Cherniack
November 30, 1984
The Honourable
Lionel Chevier
April 18, 1945
The Honourable
Michael D. Chong
February 6, 2006
The Right Honourable
Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien
April 4, 1967
The Honourable
David Christie
November 7, 1873
The Honourable
Gordon Churchill
June 21, 1957
The Right Honourable
Sir Winston S. Churchill
December 29, 1941
The Honourable
George Adam Clare
April 1, 1913
The Right Honourable
Charles Joseph Clark
June 4, 1979
The Right Honourable
Adrienne Clarkson
October 3, 2005
The Honourable
Brooke Claxton
October 13, 1944
The Honourable
Tony Clement
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
Robert Carman Coates
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Francis Cochrane
October 10, 1911
The Honourable
Denis Coderre
August 3, 1999
The Honourable
Louis Coderre
October 19, 1912
The Honourable
Thomas Coffin
November 7, 1873
The Honourable
Charles Carroll Colby
November 28, 1889
The Honourable
Major James William Coldwell
June 25, 1964
The Honourable
David Michael Collenette
August 12, 1983
The Honourable
Mary Collins
January 30, 1989
The Honourable
David Alexander Colville
July 1, 1992
The Honourable
Paul Comtois
August 7, 1957
The Honourable
Joseph Robert Comuzzi
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
John Joseph Connolly
February 3, 1964
The Honourable
Arthur Bliss Copp
December 29, 1921
The Honourable
Sheila Maureen Copps
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
Jean Corbeil
January 30, 1989
The Honourable
Paul James Cosgrove
March 3, 1980
The Honourable
John Costigan
May 23, 1882
The Honourable
Alcide Côté
February 13, 1952
The Honourable
Joseph Julien Jean-Pierre Côté
December 18, 1965
The Honourable
Michel Côté
September 17, 1984
The Honourable
Irwin Cotler
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Henri Courtemanche
May 12, 1958
The Honourable
Edmond Jacques Courtois
December 5, 1991
The Honourable
Henry Duncan Graham Crerar
June 25, 1964
The Honourable
Thomas Alexander Crerar
October 12, 1917 
The Honourable
David Arnold Croll
March 21, 1990
The Honourable
David Edward Crombie
June 4, 1979
The Honourable
John Carnell Crosbie
June 4, 1979
The Honourable
Thomas Wilson Crothers
October 10, 1911
The Honourable
Lloyd Roseville Crouse
June 10, 1985
The Honourable
Jack Sydney George Cullen
September 26, 1975
The Honourable
Roy Cullen
July 20, 2004
The Honourable
Thomas Mayne Daly
October 17, 1892
The Right Honourable
Raoul Dandurand
January 20, 1909
The Honourable
Marcel Danis
February 23, 1990
The Honourable
Barnett Jerome Danson
August 8, 1974
The Right Honourable
Sir Louis Henry Davies
July 13, 1896
The Honourable
John (Jack) Davis 
April 26, 1968
The Honourable
William Grenville Davis
April 17, 1982
The Honourable
Thomas Clement Douglas
November 30, 1984
The Honourable
Stockwell Day
February 6, 2006
The Honourable
Robert René de Cotret
June 4, 1979 
The Honourable
Pierre De Bané
November 24, 1978
The Honourable
Azellus Denis 
April 22, 1963
The Honourable
Jean-Paul Deschatelets
April 22, 1963 
The Honourable
Alphonse Desjardins
January 15, 1896
The Honourable
Paul Desmarais
July 1, 1992
The Honourable
Paul DeVillers
January 15, 2002
The Honourable
Edgar Dewdney
September 25, 1888
The Honourable
Herb Dhaliwal
June 11, 1997
The Honourable
Paul Wyatt Dick
June 30, 1986
The Honourable
Arthur Rupert Dickey
December 21, 1894
The Right Honourable
Robert George Brian Dickson
April 19, 1984
The Right Honourable
John George Diefenbaker
June 21, 1957
The Honourable
David Charles Dingwall
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
Walter Gilbert Dinsdale
October 11, 1960
The Honourable
Stéphane Dion
January 25, 1996
The Honourable
Richard Reid Dobell
July 13, 1896
The Right Honourable
Charles Joseph Doherty
October 10, 1911
The Honourable
Sir Antoine Aimé Dorion
November 7, 1873
The Honourable
Noël Dorion
October 11, 1960
The Honourable
Ujjal Dosanjh
July 20, 2004
The Honourable
Sir Henry Lumley Drayton
August 2, 1919
The Honourable
George Alexander Drew
May 12, 1953
The Honourable
Claude Drouin
January 15, 2002
The Honourable
Mark Robert Drouin
October 15, 1962
The Honourable
Charles Mills Drury
April 22, 1963
The Honourable
Ken Dryden
July 20, 2004
The Honourable
Jean-Eudes Dubé
July 6, 1968
The Honourable
Ronald J. Duhamel
June 11, 1997
The Honourable
Christopher Dunkin
November 16, 1869
The Honourable
Charles Avery Dunning
March 1, 1926
The Honourable
Maurice Dupré
August 7, 1930
The Honourable
Yvon Dupuis
February 3, 1964
The Honourable
Michel Dupuy
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
Alfred Duranleau
August 7, 1930
The Honourable
Arnold Wayne Easter
October 22, 2002
The Honourable
Sir James David Edgard
March 24, 1897
The Honourable
James Stewart Edwards
June 25, 1993
The Honourable
John Welsley Edwards
September 21, 1921
The Honourable
Ruben John Efford
December 12, 2003
The Honourable
Arthur C. Eggleton
November 4, 1993
The Honourable
John Campbell Elliott
March 8, 1926
The Honourable
David Emerson
July 20, 2004
The Honourable
Henry Robert Emmerson
January 15, 1904 
The Honourable
Arthur Jacob Epp
June 4, 1979
The Honourable
William Gordon Ernst
August 14, 1935 
The Honourable
Judith A. Erola
March 3, 1980
The Honourable
William Daum Euler
September 25, 1926
The Honourable
Mark Eyking
December 12, 2003

Current alphabetical list list | Current chronological list | Historical chronological list


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