Notes for an Address by
Jocelyne Bourgon
Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet
Ottawa, Ontario
May 27, 1997
Thank you for your invitation. It is good to see you all.
Your theme for this years conference "The Public Sector: Contributing to Canadas Competitive Edge" is an important and timely one.
I, therefore, warmly welcome the opportunity to share some thoughts with you on
As we come close to the end of the 20th century, democracy working together with a market economy stands as the uncontested model of societal organization.
Nobody knows how to run a successful economy other than through a market economic system. It is the most efficient way to use scarce resources and to ensure the pursuit of individual interests.
Democracy for its part has proven to be the best way to ensure social cohesion. It is the most efficient way to ensure the pursuit of the collective interest.
There are other models; but the countries which have the benefit of both systems have outperformed all others.
There are inherent tensions between democracy and a market economy. Both systems are rooted in very different beliefs.
But the history of the 19th and 20th centuries has taught us that there are great synergies between the two systems. Both systems can be mutually supportive and mutually beneficial.
For countries, such as Canada, that are fortunate enough to have the benefit of both systems, it is not a matter of one sector triumphing over the other. It is a matter of balance.
Citizens decide where the balance lies at any given time. In societies like ours, the quest for balance is never over.
In Canada, we have seen the signs of this quest for balance.
From World War II to the late 1970s, citizens asked progressively more of government and of the public sector from nation building, to managing macro-economic policies, to creating a social safety net, to expanding the regulatory regime in all sectors and all aspects of life.
Great results were achieved, but the dream did not materialize. No amount of regulation could protect citizens from every negative occurrence in their lives. Governments and government intervention could not protect Canadians from the effects of economic recessions, could not simultaneously fight inflation and high interest rates. The role of government has its limits and the cost of government was exceeding Canadians collective means. A new equilibrium was needed.
Through the 1980s and 1990s, citizens asked progressively more of the private sector. Less government, balanced budgets, freer trade, modernized taxation regimes, and reduced regulations were among the many measures needed to reap the benefits of a well-performing market economy. Great results were achieved, but once again the dream did not materialize.
It is important to remember that during this period Canada had one of the best growth records of the G-7 countries. But even the best sometimes is not good enough. An average economic growth of 1.3 percent through the 1990s means a drop in citizens standard of living. Unemployment reached an average of 10.1 percent in the 1990s and it currently stands at about 17 percent for youth. Real per capita disposable income has declined each year since 1988.
So the dream of constant growth, full employment, financial stability and rising real wages also proved illusive.
There are signs that the pendulum is about to start swinging again in search of a new equilibrium and a new dream to fulfil.
Citizens will decide where the new equilibrium will lie in the years to come.
Wherever it is, it will be a synergy of the best of democracy and the best of the market economy; a balance between the pursuit of individual and collective interests; a partnership between the public sector and the private sector.
This partnership will, to a large extent, determine how successful Canada will be as a society as we enter the new millennium.
The public sector has a lot to offer in this partnership.
In a global environment, the public sector will be called upon to play a very key role. The quality and effectiveness of government will be crucial to national prosperity. Let me tell you why.
Private investments
Modern technology, world capital markets, inexpensive means of communications mean that more and more industries do not have a predetermined home base.
In this environment, a countrys success will be achieved by creating economic and social conditions that are more attractive than those offered by other countries. A peaceful society with a modern infrastructure and a world-class work force a society prepared to invest in its people and in research and development will have an important comparative advantage.
In the future, a nations comparative advantage will be created by what it does
and the investments it makes. That means a key strategic role for government and the
public sector.
Knowledge and skills
and skills do not just exist. Acquiring them takes time and sustained investment in
education and training. There again the public sector will be called upon to play a key
role. No country has ever become even semi-literate without a publicly funded school
Quality of life
Some are of the view that all it takes to attract and retain talent is wages and salaries. I think this view underestimates the diversity of human needs.
Safe streets and neighbourhoods, clean air and water, good schools for children,
world-class learning institutions, modern health care, and a peaceful society will all be
significant factors in the competition for talent. There again the public sector
contribution will be significant.
So let me summarize. As Peter Drucker said "We are learning very fast that the belief that a free market is all it takes to have a functioning society or even a functioning economy is pure delusion . . . . The market by itself does not produce democracy and does not even produce a healthy and growing economy."
Whatever the new century may hold, whatever citizens decide about the proper equilibrium over the next period of time, we can be sure that government and public sector institutions will have a key role to play, one that holds the promise of a strong public private sector partnership.
The points I have raised so far are mainly about the role of the public sector and therefore about the policy challenges we will face. The way we serve will also be critical to Canadas competitiveness.
A lot has been said about the changing nature of the market economy as it adjusts to a global environment, but the changes taking place in the public sector are not as well understood.
Nothing less than a quiet revolution has been under way in the public sector in Canada over the last few years. The changes have been so vast, so fast, and so profound, that very few people, including us and including experts, have a clear understanding of the reality today in the public service.
A few years ago, Canada was facing a serious fiscal problem both at the federal and provincial levels.
For most Canadians, the most visible sign of the changing role of government has been "less Government," but a more careful look reveals that more profound changes are under way. These are changes in the way we serve citizens.
Today the public debate on overlap and duplication is lagging behind the reality of change in Canada.
But no amount of streamlining or downsizing will ever replace the need for governments to work together to meet the needs of Canada and Canadians in the 21st century.
In other words, the work on clarification of roles and on overlap and duplication is now giving way to a much more challenging phase the management of interdependence among governments to serve Canadians. Governments must learn to set priorities together to make decisions together.
All across the country, away from the limelight and the attention of the media,
governments are coming together to provide integrated services to citizens. The concept of
single window is becoming a reality in Canada. Examples can be found right across the
This trend toward integrated service delivery is here to stay.
Therefore, governments are entering into partnership arrangements that allow partners to achieve results that would be well beyond their reach if they were acting on their own.
This is leading to an explosion of institutional models unknown even a few years ago.
If your vision of the organization of government today is the traditional departmental
model, look again you were probably out of the country or on sabbatical during the
last few years.
This transformation is not without problems. But the trend is here to stay.
Flexibility, adaptability and efficiency are not foreign to public sector services.
This change will likely have the most profound impact on the role of governments in the years to come.
The use of information technology is allowing government to be present, relevant, and
adapted to local needs everywhere in Canada.
Technology is changing the nature of the services provided. It is also putting citizens
in control.
Technology is allowing government to provide services that could not be provided
otherwise and is connecting Canadians and Canadian communities.
We have made good progress, and we will do more to ensure that the public sector plays its role to the fullest, contributing to Canadas comparative advantage as we enter the next millennium.
Progress along these lines would do a lot to instil pride and respect for the role of government. It would do more for national unity than all the constitutional conferences held to date.
Let me now summarize and draw some conclusions.
First, countries that have the benefit of being a democracy and working with a market economy have outperformed all others. In a global environment, government and public sector institutions will be increasingly important to national prosperity and the well-being of Canadians.
Second, we are coming out of a phase which has seen important changes take place in the public sector in Canada.
A phase during which governments have realigned their role, balanced their budget and regained the capacity to make choices. A phase which has brought less government but also a modernized government, one better adapted to meet future needs.
So, my third conclusion is that the next phase must be about us about people serving the public interest and about pride in public service.
I have called this phase "La Relève." Some aspects of this phase will be
It will be all that and more. Having seen the plans of action you have all prepared, I have no doubt about the outcome. Three years from now, when we look back, we will be amazed to discover just how much we will have done.
But there is another aspect to the work on La Relève it is to rebuild pride.
It is fitting that the theme for National Public Service Week this year is "Serving Canadians with Pride."
It is no accident that Canada became the best country in the world in which to live. Public sector institutions can claim, with pride, their contribution toward achieving this result.
As the leaders of the public sector, we need to develop a better understanding of its contribution to Canadian society.
We need to recognize it. We need to talk about it not with arrogance but to explain and contribute to a better public understanding of the role of government in a modern society.
A career in the public sector is a career like no other because there is no greater reward than to be given the opportunity to make a difference in the life of ones country.
Well then, the people in this room have been blessed.
I cant wait to see you all next year. I might be given the chance to tell you more about your accomplishments.