Notice: This document is no longer current.  It has been archived online and remains on the website for reference purposes only.

Ethics, Responsibility, Accountability
An Action Plan for Democratic Reform
February 4, 2004

Table of Contents

National Library of Canada cataloguing in publication data



Statement of General Principles

Ethics and Integrity

Three-Line Voting System

A Greater Role for Parliamentarians

Expanded Role of Committees to Shape and Influence Legislation

Expanded Authority and Independence for Committees
Greater Resources for Committees
National Security Committee
Election of Committee Chairs


Role of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries

Cabinet Structure
Parliamentary Secretaries
Annual Report on Federal/Provincial/Territorial Relations

Review of Appointments

Prior Review of Appointments
Supreme Court of Canada Appointments

House Procedure

Ongoing Consultations

Provincial Consultation
Consultation with Canadians
Annual Report on Democratic Reform


Message from the Prime Minister

February 4, 2004

Democratic reform is critical to providing Canadians with more responsive and more effective government. Parliament should be the centre of national debate on policy. For this to happen, we must reconnect Parliament to Canadians and renew the capacity of Parliamentarians - from all parties - to shape policy and legislation.

On December 12, 2003, I announced specific measures to implement democratic reform. One of my first priorities in this new session of Parliament is to table an action plan with initiatives the government will implement, as well as proposals for reforms to the way that the business of the House of Commons is conducted.

Democratic reform includes ensuring that Members have greater freedom to voice their views and those of their constituents, reinforcing the role of House Committees and their capacity to influence and shape legislation, having Ministers engage Members and House Committees on policy priorities and legislation, giving Parliament a greater role in the appointment process for public office holders, and modernizing the procedures of the House of Commons.

Democratic reform affects all parties and all Canadians. I ask the leaders of the other parties for their support in implementing this action plan so that Parliamentarians and Canadians can be reconnected to the democratic process.

The Right Honourable Paul Martin, P.C., MP

Message from the Leader of the Government in the House of
Commons and Minister responsible for Democratic Reform

February 4, 2004

I am very honoured to have been asked by the Prime Minister to serve as Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for Democratic Reform. The new government has made democratic reform a top priority, and it is one which I take very much to heart.

Canada's democratic tradition has enabled the development of a modern, open, and multicultural society that many countries now hold up as an example. Much like other established democracies, however, Canadians' faith and participation in the democratic process have declined. And, determined to renew our commitment to the public, to engage citizens, and to reinforce our democracy, the government has decided to take action.

As Minister responsible for Democratic Reform, I believe that we must achieve three essential goals in order to restore the public's faith in its democratic institutions. First of all, we must meet exemplary standards of ethics and integrity. Secondly, we must restore Parliamentarians' role in generating authentic, thoughtful, and constructive debate. And finally, we must increase the accountability of our elected officials and public institutions.

The action plan I am tabling today represents the very first step in reforming Canada's democracy, but we must also ensure that democratic reform becomes an ongoing process. Moreover, strengthening our democracy also means implementing measures that serve every Canadian, and every Member of Parliament - regardless of political affiliation: a condition without which democratic reform would be left incomplete.

That is why I invite all my fellow Parliamentarians, as well as citizens from across the country, to share their ideas and inspire me with their experiences. We need to work together to ensure that democratic reform succeeds.

The Honourable Jacques Saada, P.C., MP
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and
Minister responsible for Democratic Reform

Message from the Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Chief Government Whip

February 4, 2004

It is a great honour to accept the post of Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Chief Government Whip. I am pleased to be able to support the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for Democratic Reform in his efforts to strengthen the faith that Canadians express in their Parliament and governmental institutions.

We are on the eve of important changes in our parliamentary history. Democratic reform will require a concerted effort and a reform of the current parliamentary culture. As Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, I will actively participate in efforts to rebalance the legislative and executive roles within our parliamentary system.

As Chief Government Whip and a member of Cabinet, my role falls well within the objectives outlined in the proposed action plan for democratic reform. First, I will help implement a new voting system that will allow greater flexibility for Members of the government caucus. Another dimension of my role will be to encourage my Privy Councillor colleagues to be more attentive to Parliamentarians and their work.

I look forward to working with you in this regard toward positive change.

The Honourable Mauril Bélanger, P.C., MP
Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
and Chief Government Whip

Message from the Parliamentary Secretary to 
the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
with special emphasis on Democratic Reform

February 4, 2004

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the position of Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and with special emphasis on Democratic Reform.

Democratic reform is an objective, the fundamental principle of which is to re-establish the representative and deliberative role of individual MPs in a House of Commons that reflects the diversity of Canada. It is a subject to which I have devoted a great deal of effort for several years.

This action plan for democratic reform proposes a fundamental change in parliamentary culture, a rebalancing of the relationship between the Cabinet and the House. It will require some additional resources and modest changes to the Standing Orders. Above all, it presents a new opportunity for every MP to shape policy and legislation in a meaningful, representative role. It will restore our House to the centre of debate on matters which fundamentally affect all Canadians.

As Parliamentary Secretary, my role is to work with all House Members to effect change that is consistent with the constitutional and political role of the House.

I invite all colleagues to share their ideas. As well, I invite those we represent, all Canadians, to participate in this process.

Canada is recognized as a leading democracy. This action plan is a most important first step to ensure a better country for future generations.

The Honourable Roger Gallaway, P.C., MP
Parliamentary Secretary
to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
with special emphasis on Democratic Reform


Democracy is an active process - one that requires ongoing engagement between citizens and their elected representatives. Democratic institutions must constantly adapt and change in order to ensure that the process continues to work the way it was intended. Individuals, through their elected representatives, must have a strong voice in the great debates facing the nation. There needs to be real exchanges of opinion and constructive dialogue between Members of Parliament, reflecting the views of the people they represent.

This action plan for democratic reform is the first step in a strategy aimed at improving our political institutions and our parliamentary system. The three pillars of democratic reform are:

What this means for individual Canadians is that the people they elect will be able to better reflect their views in the process of government. It also means increased responsibilities for individual Members of Parliament to ensure that these reforms result in real change.

While this action plan is focused largely on changing the process of how Parliament functions, this is only the beginning. The plan also outlines a procedure for ongoing consultations with Canadians - especially youth - in order to hear their views on how to improve our democracy. The government is taking real action to make democratic reform a reality.

Statement of General Principles

  1. Ethics and integrity are at the core of public confidence in government and in the political process.

  2. Democratic mechanisms should re-engage Canadians in national policies.

  3. Parliament should be a national forum for debating and shaping national policies and legislation and for considering regional concerns and issues.

  4. Members of the House should have more opportunity to express their own views and those of their constituents.

  5. House Committees should have the resources and mechanisms necessary to become a central focus of debate, and to shape and modify legislation.

  6. Ministers, supported by their Parliamentary Secretaries, and with the assistance of their political staff and officials, should seek the support of Parliamentarians regularly on priorities and issues within their portfolio.

  7. A functional and transparent system of appointments should involve Parliamentarians.

  8. Parliament should have the tools to hold the government to account for the good stewardship of public resources.

Ethics and Integrity

Ethics and integrity are at the core of building public confidence in government and in the political process.

Three-Line Voting System

A Greater Role for Parliamentarians

Members will have much greater freedom to voice their views and those of their constituents.

Expanded Role of Committees to Shape and Influence Legislation

Parliamentary Committees should be a central focus of debate.

Expanded Authority and Independence for Committees

Greater Resources for Committees

National Security Committee

Election of Committee Chairs


Parliament is responsible for holding the government to account for the good stewardship of public resources. In recent years, Members have indicated that the Estimates process needs to be modernized so that Members can do a more effective job in this area.

An initial step was taken in 2002 with the creation of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. Members recommended practical improvements to the Estimates process in their sixth Report, which was tabled in the House of Commons in September 2003.

Role of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries

Ministers, with the support of Parliamentary Secretaries, are responsible for actively engaging Parliamentarians. Ministers should meet regularly with their respective House Committees to get input on legislative initiatives and to discuss annual priorities.

Cabinet Structure

Parliamentary Secretaries

Annual Report on Federal/Provincial/Territorial Relations

Review of Appointments

The government believes a transparent appointments system must be put in place to ensure that citizens have confidence that the best people to serve Canadians are being appointed to public institutions.

Prior Review of Appointments

Supreme Court of Canada Appointments

House Procedure

Many of the initiatives in the democratic reform package, such as a three-line voting system, can be implemented by the government immediately and without formal changes to the Standing Orders. However, to fully implement the principles of democratic reform, the government will seek recommendations from Members on how House procedures can be changed.

Ongoing Consultations

Democratic reform must be an ongoing process that engages Parliamentarians as well as Canadians on renewing Canada's political process.

Provincial Consultation

Consultation with Canadians

Annual Report on Democratic Reform


The initiatives outlined in this action plan will ensure that Members of Parliament will play a significantly larger role in the decision-making process. As a result, Canadians will be better represented and given a greater voice.

The steps in this action plan - ethics and integrity; a three-line voting system; expanded roles for Committees (including Estimates); a greater role for Parliamentary Secretaries; prior review of appointments, and the other recommendations - will greatly empower Members of Parliament to more effectively do the jobs they were elected to do. This will ensure that Parliament will once again be the place where the great debates of the nation occur.

These reforms are just the beginning of an ongoing process. The government is committed to increasing the confidence of Canadians in government and to encouraging greater citizen engagement.


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