The Renaming of 
Mount Logan to Mount Trudeau

October 6, 2000

Given the outpouring of love and support for the Trudeau Family, we announced the decision to recommend that the name of Mount Logan be changed to Mount Pierre Elliott Trudeau to commemorate his life, and his love of Canada and the natural environment.

We have chosen to honour a great Canadian who embodied what is best about our country and whose vision continues to enlighten and inspire millions of Canadians.

It is uncustomary to announce name changes before consultations have been held, but given the exceptional display of affection and respect for the Trudeau Family, and the stature of Mr. Trudeau himself, we wanted to act quickly and without delay to make a definite and lasting statement in honour of our former Prime Minister.

We notified the leader of the Yukon government of the intention to rename Mount Logan and we are pursuing consultations with the Kluane and the White River First Nations.

Pierre Trudeau summoned us to a nobler vision and to rise above our differences through reason and mutual respect. We will do his memory justice by working together on this commemoration.

Federal officials are now working on a submission to the Geographical Names Board of Canada (GNBC) Secretariat and will follow all the necessary steps to make the name change happen.

We recognize and celebrate the contributions of Sir William E. Logan, the founder and long-time Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, and we intend to name another peak in Kluane National Park Reserve after Mr. Logan.

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