The swearing-in of Dr. Manmohan Singh as India's Prime Minister

May 23, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin today issued the following statement on the swearing-in of Dr. Manmohan Singh as India’s Prime Minister.

“I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to Dr. Manmohan Singh on his swearing-in as India’s 14th Prime Minister and leader of the world’s largest democracy.

Canada and India have enjoyed a long friendship that is built on historic ties and common institutions, and strengthened by the tremendous contribution made by Canadians of Indian origin. Relations with India are a priority for Canada. The relationship was recently invigorated by the Joint Prime Ministerial Statement on ‘Canada and India: Partners for the 21st Century,’ in which both countries made a commitment to strengthen governmental, commercial and civil society links while forging a new partnership. I look forward to working with Prime Minister Singh in continuing to advance this agenda.”

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