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OTTAWA, ONTARIO, September 18, 1997 – During a scrum today, Minister Dion said that, as a Quebecer, he found embarrassing the unfortunate spectacle put on by the Bloc in front of the Supreme Court about an issue as serious as the legality of a unilateral declaration of independence. Quoting the leader of the Bloc, Mr. Gilles Duceppe, who claimed to be basing himself on a political right, rather than a legal right, Mr. Dion asked the following question: "Can a political right that is not legal override the legal rights of citizens?"

Mr. Dion specified that there are three basic principles that must be respected with regard to secession. The first principle is that governments must make a commitment never to use force or to resort to the threat of force against populations claiming what they believe to be their rights. Mr. Dion pointed out that the argument of police force has been raised on more than one occasion by Quebec’s Intergovernmental Affairs Minister, Mr. Brassard, whereas the Government of Canada has made a commitment not to resort to the use of force.

The second principle raised by the Minister is clarity. Mr. Dion stated that the procedure leading to secession must be clear, so as to avoid any confusion as to the real will of citizens.

The third principle set out by Mr. Dion deals with legality of procedure. The Minister noted that he had never seen in democracy, "a government depart from legality, place itself in illegality, and demand obedience of its citizens."

Minister Dion stated that, in his opinion, neither the Constitution nor international law gives a secessionist government the right to declare independence unilaterally. "That is why we have referred this matter to the Supreme Court of Canada. The comments this week by Messrs Bouchard and Parizeau reiterating their intention to resort to a unilateral declaration of independence confirm the importance of our obtaining clarification as to the legality of such a move," the Minister stated.


For information: André Lamarre
Press Secretary
(613) 943-1838