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Privy Council Office > Intergovernmental Affairs > World Federations

Federation Maps and Fact Sheets

South Africa
Constitution adopted in 1996
While a federation in form, South Africa has not adopted
the word "federal" or "federation" in its Constitution.
Official Website of the government of South Africa

Flag: South Africa

Official name    Republic of South Africa
Population 44,819,778 (2001)
Capitals South Africa has three capitals
  • Cape Town (legislative, Seat of Parliament),
  • Pretoria (administrative),
  • Bloemfontein (judicial)

Constituent units

Constitutional distribution of powers

  • Constitution of South Africa, in particular:
    • Co-operative Government (Chapter 3, Section 41)
    • National legislative authority (Chapter 4, Section 44)
    • Legislative authority of Provinces (Chapter 6, Section 104)
    • Concurrent national and provincial legislative competence (Schedule 4)
    • Areas of exclusive provincial legislative competence (Schedule 5)

Legislative institutions

Official languages

Other links of interest