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Federation Maps and Fact Sheets

A Federation since 1901
Official Website of the federal government of Australia

Flag: Australia

Official name    Commonwealth of Australia
Population 20,264,082 (2006 est.)
Capital Canberra

Constituent units

  • Six states: New South Wales; Queensland; Tasmania; Victoria; Western Australia; South Australia.
    Two self-governing territories: Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory.
    Dependent areas: Ashmore and Cartier Islands; Christmas Island; Keeling Islands; Coral Sea Islands; Heard Island; Jervis Bay; McDonald Islands; Norfolk Island. Australia also has treaty responsibility for part of Antarctica.

Constitutional distribution of powers

Legislative institutions

  • States/territories: Five of the six states have a bicameral Parliament.
    • Websites of state and territorial legislatures, from official Websites of governments of states and territories 

Official language: English

Other links of interest