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First Annual Report to The Prime Minister on The Public Service of Canada

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Coat of Arms


Paul M. Tellier
Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet



June 30, 1992

Dear Prime Minister,

In my capacity as head of the Public Service, I am pleased to submit to you this first Annual Report of the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet on the Public Service of Canada. I also attach a companion volume entitled Public Service 2000: A Report on Progress.

In the 18 months since the publication of the Government's White Paper on the Renewal of the Public Service, much has happened that has affected the Public Service, and much has been done by way of reform and renewal. I am pleased with the progress we have made. It reflects above all the imagination and dedicated effort of many thousands of individual public servants. If there is any credit due for what has been achieved, it belongs to them.

You will find in the pages of this Report and its companion volume clear evidence of progress toward the Public Service that Canadians will need in the years to come. You will see as well that much remains to be done. The Public Service is one of Canada's great national institutions. For more than 125 years, public servants have made a vital contribution to building and sustaining this country. I am confident that the changes we are making today to renew the Public Service will equip it to continue that vocation of service to the Government and people of Canada.

Yours sincerely,

Paul M. Tellier




The First Report
Recipients of the Report
Where Are We Today?


1991: Key Events and Milestones

The 1991 Budget
Wage Restraint
Ten Percent Reduction in the Executive Group
The 1991 Strike

Priorities and Objectives for the Past Year
Progress in the Five Priority Areas

Overall Assessment of Progress
Improvements in Service
A Commitment to Consultation
A Change in Organizational Culture
The Deputy Minister Community
Consensus on the Need for Reform


Areas for Special Attention
Combatting Scepticism
Renewal on the Front Lines of Service Delivery

Priorities for 1992
Internal Communication


Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Notice: These documents are no longer current. They have been archived online and remain on the website for reference purposes only. Some functionality may be lost.