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Report of the Interim Committee of Parliamentarians on National Security

38th Parliament, 1st SessionFrançaisTable of Contents

Annex A: List of Witnesses

Associations and Individuals Date Meeting

Privy Council Office

Rob Wright, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister and Associate Secretary



Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

Michel D'Avignon, Director General


Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Dale Neufeld, Acting Director


Department of National Defence

Keith Coulter, Chief, Communications Security Establishment

MGen Michel Gauthier, J2/Director General, Intelligence



Office of the Inspector General of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Eva Plunkett, Inspector General

Arnold Zeman, Assistant Inspector General



Office of the Communication Security Establishment Commissioner

Rt Hon Antonio Lamer, Commissioner

Joanne Weeks, Executive Director



Security Intelligence Review Committee

Susan Pollack, Executive Director

Tim Farr, Deputy Executive Director



As Individuals

Hon Ronald Atkey, P.C., Q.C.

Hon Jean-Jacques Blais, P.C., Q.C.



The Canadian Civil Liberties Association

A. Alan Borovoy, General Counsel



List of Individuals Who Met with the Committee

United States of America (Washington DC)

July 21-22, 2004

Embassy of Canada
Michael Kergin, Ambassador
Ariel Delouya, Minister-Counsellor
Robert Sinclair, First Secretary

United States Senate, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Pat Roberts, Senator, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller, IV, Senator, Vice Chairman
Bill Duhnke, Staff Director
Richard Douglas, Majority Counsel

United States House of Representatives, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Porter Goss, M.C., (Florida), Chairman
Alcee Hastings, M.C., (Florida)
Merrell Moorhead, Deputy Staff Director
Marcel Lettre, Professional staff

The Henry L. Stimson Center
Ellen Laipson, President and CEO
Emil El-Hokayem, Research Associate

President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Joan Dempsey, Executive Director
Nate Cash
John McLaughlin

Australia (Canberra)

August 10, 2004

Canadian High Commission
Gaston Barban, Acting High Commissioner
Catherine Trinder, Assistant, General Relations Branch

Office of the Inspector General of Intelligence Security
Ian Carnell, Inspector General of Intelligence Security

Australian Secret Intelligence Agency
David Irvine, Director General

August 11, 2004

Office of National Assessments
Peter Varghese, Director General

Defence Intelligence Agencies
Stephen Merchant, Director, Defence Signals Directorate
Ian McKenzie, Director, Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation
Frank Lewincamp, Director, Defence Intelligence Organisation

Attorney General
Hon Philip Ruddock MP

August 12, 2004

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Dennis Richardson, Director General
Ian Cousins
Jim Neely
Margaret Hurley
Hamish Hutchinson

Foreign Minister
Hon Alexander Downer, MP

Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Hon David Jull, MP
Senator Sandy Macdonald
Senator Alan Ferguson
Senator the Hon Robert Ray
Hon Kim Beazley MP
Mr. Stewart McArthur MP
Hon Leo McLeay MP

Parliamentary Presiding Officers
Senator the Hon Paul Calvert, President of the Senate
Hon Neil Andrew MP

United Kingdom (London)

September 13, 2004

Canadian High Commission
Mel Cappe, High Commissioner
Ron Hoffmann, Minister (Political Affairs)

Joint Intelligence Committee
William Ehrman, Chairman
Jonathon Brewer, Secretary

High Commission Intelligence Liaison Staff
Dennis Horak, Intelligence, Liaison Officer
Rick Sauvé, RCMP
Liz Snow, Immigration Control and Security Section
Lena Kerr, Senior Canadian Liaison Officer GCHQ

Security and Intelligence Service
Ian Mathewson, Director
Nick Fishwick, Secretary to the Management Board
Matt Blair, Liaison

September 14, 2004

Security and Intelligence Coordinator
Sir David Ormand

Intelligence and Security Committee
Rt Hon Ann Taylor, MP, Chair
Rt Hon the Lord Peter Archer of Sandwell, QC, MP
Rt Hon Kevin Barron, MP
Rt Hon Joyce Quin, MP
Rt Hon Gavin Strang, MP
Rt Hon Alan Howarth, CBE, MP (Meet informally September 13)
Alistair Corbett, Clerk

British Security Service
Eliza Manningham Buller, Director General

Home Affairs Committee
Rt Hon John Denhem, MP, Chair
Dr. Robin James, Clerk

September 15, 2004

Foreign Affairs Committee
Rt Hon Donald Anderson, MP, Chair
Sir John Stanley, MP
David Chidgey, MP

Lunch/roundtable UK intelligence academics
Professor Peter Hennessy, Department of History, Queen Mary, University of London
Dr. Kevin O’Brien, Senior Policy Analyst, RAND Europe
Dr. Philip Davies, Deputy Director, Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies
Professor Ian Leigh, Department of Law, Durham University
