
The Government is committed to building a brighter future for all Canadians. One in which no one is left behind as we move ahead. This begins with our children. That is why one of our top priorities is ensuring that all Canadian children get the right start they need in life. We do this by furnishing a diverse array of programs, services and supports to families with children.

January 23, 2001 - Maternity and Parental Benefits - The Government of Canada is doubling the amount of time new parents can collect Employment Insurance benefits.

September 11, 2000 - The Early Child Development Agreement - the Government of Canada is making a substantial investment in early child development over 5 years through the Canada Health and Social Transfer.

July 20, 2000 - The National Child Benefit - The February 28, 2000, federal budget announced that the Government of Canada will invest an additional $500 million in the NCB by July 2001.

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