
The Government of Canada is committed to focusing on enhancing our Canadian voice in the world and our shared sense of citizenship.

July, 2001 - IVth Games of la Francophonie - From July 14 to 24, 2001, all eyes will be on Francophone North America as over 2,600 athletes and artists meet in Ottawa-Hull to participate in cultural and sport competitions.

July 3, 2001 - Draft FTAA Negotiating Text - The Government of Canada announced that the draft negotiating text for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) was released by the FTAA Secretariat. The text is a preliminary compilation of ideas, proposals and negotiating positions from the 34 countries taking part in the FTAA negotiations.

April 17, 2001 - Canada Supports Economic and Social Development in the Americas - During the Summit of the Americas, the Government of Canada announced 28 new cooperation initiatives worth $126 million that will be used to reduce poverty in the Americas.


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