November 12, 2000 
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien expressed his sadness today following the death of Leah Rabin:

"For many years, Leah Rabin has been one of Israel’s most dedicated and outspoken advocates for peace. Her extraordinary life, which in many ways mirrored that of her husband Yitzak, is a source of inspiration for all those who are committed to achieving a global, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

Like her husband, whom she married during the war of 1948, Leah Rabin understood far too well the heart-breaking cost of seeking security through the force of arms alone. She understood how much courage it takes to extend the hand of peace and reconciliation to old adversaries – a courage she shared with her husband along with all the men and women who continue to strive for a future free of the ravages of conflict in the Middle East.

As the world continues to search for that elusive future, we must let her dedication, as well as the sacrifices she made throughout her life, strengthen our resolve and guide our efforts to make the dream of peace a reality.

Aline joins me in expressing, on behalf of all Canadians, our deepest condolences to her family and many friends."

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