Statement by the Prime Minister

March 15, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today joined the Squamish Nation in paying tribute to Chief Joe Mathias:

"The Squamish people - and all Canadians - have lost a truly remarkable leader. Chief Mathias was a person of tremendous insight, modesty and forbearance. He counselled a practical and solutions-oriented approach to the treaty process for his own and all Aboriginal people of British Columbia. And he remained focused on claiming the rightful place of Aboriginal Canadians as full partners in our nation.

His vision remains to be fully realized. But regardless of his untimely death, the eloquence, passion and dignity with which he advanced it live on as an inspiration that will, I am confident, make it reality.

On behalf of the people of Canada, I express my deep condolences to his family, his friends, and the entire Squamish Nation.

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