Visit to Canada by the President of the Gabonese Republic, El Hadj Omar Bongo

April 30, 1999
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced today that the President of the Gabonese Republic, El Hadj Omar Bongo, will be in Canada between May 2 -8, 1999 on a working visit.

"Through our work together on the United Nations Security Council, our efforts under the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and our common membership in La Francophonie, Canada and Gabon have forged a solid relationship," said the Prime Minister. "We look forward to further cooperation with the Gabonese Republic and the countries of Central Africa in the future".

President Bongo will arrive in Canada on May 2 in Calgary, where he will meet with David Kilgour, Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa, and members of the business community, in particular representatives of the oil industry. In Ottawa, on May 4, President Bongo will meet with the Prime Minister, Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsible for la Francophonie, Diane Marleau and other cabinet members.

From May 6 to 8, President Bongo will be in Quebec, where he will meet with Quebec Premier Lucien Bouchard. He will also confer with business representatives in the aeronautics and logging industries. He also plans to meet with members of the Gabonese community and Canadian academics as well as attending a business lunch before leaving Canada.

President Bongo will be accompanied by Messrs. Jean Ping, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Paul Toungui, Minister of Mines, Energy and Oil, Marcel Doupambi Matoka, Minister of Commerce and Industrial Development, André Mba Obame, Minister of National Education and Émile Doumba, Minister of the Economy, Finance, the Budget and Privatization.

President Bongo's last visit to Canada dates back to 1987, when he attended the Sommet de la Francophonie in Quebec City.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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