Statement by the Prime Minister

January 16, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien tonight expressed his shock at the news of the accident that claimed the life of John Morris Rankin:

"Like all Canadians, I was simply stunned to learn of this terrible accident. Cape Breton has lost one of her finest sons, and Canada has lost one of her finest musicians. It is impossible to comprehend how a life so rich in talent - a life whose magical artistry had touched so many - could be taken so suddenly and under such tragic circumstances.

Our thoughts and prayers this evening are, first and foremost, with the Rankin family. Aline joins me in offering them our most heartfelt condolences. It is our fondest hope that they will be able to find solace in each other's love and comfort in the difficult days to come."


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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