Statement by the Prime Minister  

May 27, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today hailed the vote by the Ulster Unionist Party Council to return to power-sharing in the Stormont Assembly in Northern Ireland:

"This is a great step forward for everyone in Northern Ireland. With the Assembly restored to action, the people of Northern Ireland, through their elected representatives, can again engage in the political process to make the vital decisions concerning their community and its needs.

All Canadians join with me in honouring David Trimble's leadership and vision. By accepting the IRA's formula for putting its arms beyond reach, First Minister Trimble has strengthened the inclusive and progressive vision of the Good Friday Agreement and increased the momentum for a lasting peace in Northern Ireland.

I also would like to congratulate Prime Minister Tony Blair and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, as well as all the other party leaders, for their dedicated service to the cause of peace and reconciliation."


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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