The year ahead promises to be a busy one for my government. We will be working hard to meet the commitments we made in the last Speech from the Throne delivered by the Governor General last fall. Health care, children, infrastructure will take centre stage. We will also put forward a budget.

Our agenda is bold. We have much to do and we know we will succeed. To start, Canada’s financial picture is bright. We are leading the Group of Seven countries in economic growth and we expect to continue to do so in 2003. Job creation is up, productivity is up, consumer confidence is up, personal income has grown, and child poverty is down.

Canadians have every reason to be optimistic as we set about tackling the priorities ahead. I will be meeting with provincial premiers to put in place a plan to modernize Canada’s health care system. We will be acting on the recommendations of the recent Romanow Report and other reports to make sure that our health care system is there for Canadians when they need it. We will work together for the good of our country. Canadians expect no less.

For Canada to thrive, all citizens must have opportunities to succeed. That is why we will continue our efforts to help Canada’s children get the best start in life. We will strengthen the National Child Benefit to ensure that families receive the support they need to keep their children healthy, happy, and ready to learn and achieve their dreams.

Canada’s cities will get a boost from infrastructure projects. Our cities are dynamic places to live, work and play, with a quality of life that is the envy of the world. This year, we will make them even better.

Canada has what it takes to succeed. With good ideas and hard work, we have succeeded in building a nation of opportunity, creativity, innovation, and excellence.

I invite you to visit this web page often to find out about our key initiatives and the progress we are making to achieve our goals.

Best regards,


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