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  Photo - A student
  A student
Photo: Comstock

Enrolment in elementary and secondary schools remained almost flat during the last half of the 1990s, while the number of teachers in Canadian schools increased. Just over 5,442,000 children were enrolled in schools in the academic year 1999/00, an increase of only 0.2% from 1995/96.

In 1999/00, public schools accounted for 93% of total enrolment, compared with 6% for private schools. These proportions were more or less constant throughout the late 1990s.

On a national scale, the pupil-teacher ratio remained fairly constant during the last half of the 1990s, dropping marginally from 16.1 pupils for every teacher in 1995/96 to 15.6 in 1999/00.


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  Date published: 2003-05-26 Important Notices
  Date modified: 2004-07-14
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