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The People > Education > Elementary and secondary schools
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Different types of schools

  See also...
  Moving into new classrooms
  Canada's language laboratory
  Special attention
  Different types of schools
  High school graduation

Practically all elementary and secondary school students in 1999/00 attended a public school. In 1999/00, public schools accounted for 93% of total enrolment, compared with 6% for private schools. An even smaller proportion of students attended special schools for the visually and hearing impaired. These proportions were more or less constant throughout the late 1990s.

A minute percentage of Canada's school-aged population is taught at home. In 1995/96, approximately 0.4% of the school-age population was reported to have been schooled from home.

Canada's public elementary and secondary school systems also include denominational schools, the majority of them Catholic. A number of other religious groups have sought equivalent status for their schools in recent years—an issue that will likely remain, given Canada's continually changing religious composition.

Table - Enrolment in elementary and secondary schools and schools for the blind and the deaf


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  Date published: 2003-05-26 Important Notices
  Date modified: 2004-09-01
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