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  Photo - Two-year-old child enjoys the tulips, Dows Lake, Ottawa

Two-year-old child enjoys the tulips, Dows Lake, Ottawa
Photo: John Place

Balancing work and home life can be stressful for many Canadians. Nearly half of all Canadian adults aged 25 to 44 reported feeling trapped in a daily routine in 1998, and more than half worried they did not have enough time for family and friends. Time stress was highest among one-quarter of married men and among more than one-third of married women who were employed full time and had children at home.

In 2000, of those 18 years of age and older, 14% of men and 11% of women reported not having any life stress at all. Of those who reported having quite a lot of life stress, it was most common among 35- to 44-year-olds, with 34% of women and 31% of men in this age group making that statement.


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  Date published: 2003-05-26 Important Notices
  Date modified: 2004-06-24
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