Decorating Canadian heroes

 Audio - Decorating Canadian heroes (440 kb)

Many exploits of Canadian citizens are worthy of the most impressive movie stunts. But unlike Hollywood actors, a good number of these Canadians have actually put their lives in danger. For example, they may have confronted a black bear to save a loved one or crossed through puddles of gasoline to free someone from a twisted wreck after a road accident.

Since 1972, Canada has been honouring its heroes who risked their lives to protect or save someone. Depending on the degree of risk to which these individuals were exposed, they are decorated with the Medal of Bravery, the Star of Courage or the highest distinction, the Cross of Valour.

To date, more than 2,000 people have received one of these decorations from the hands of the Governor General. Depending on the decoration awarded to them, they may put the initials M.B., S.C. or C.V. after their name.