Profile of heritage institutions (excluding nature parks)
1993 – 1994 |
1995 – 1996 |
1997 – 1998 |
1999 – 2000 |
2002 – 2003 |
number |
Number of institutions |
2,122 |
2,390 |
2,357 |
2,436 |
2,517 |
Attendance (thousands of visits)1 |
54,928 |
54,482 |
53,825 |
56,299 |
58,759 |
$ thousands |
Revenues |
Total operating revenues |
869,947 |
959,045 |
1,013,018 |
1,116,576 |
1,297,832 |
Total unearned revenues |
674,541 |
699,992 |
719,300 |
762,356 |
899,504 |
Federal government |
233,627 |
252,358 |
259,653 |
268,987 |
326,205 |
Provincial government |
253,039 |
252,748 |
239,313 |
253,510 |
272,057 |
Other governments2 |
121,605 |
120,221 |
131,719 |
132,711 |
177,331 |
Institutional/private3 |
66,270 |
74,664 |
88,616 |
107,149 |
123,910 |
Total earned revenues |
195,407 |
259,053 |
293,718 |
354,220 |
398,228 |
Membership |
7,963 |
9,721 |
10,846 |
12,374 |
16,121 |
Admission |
75,967 |
91,163 |
106,081 |
114,748 |
126,890 |
Other earned revenues4 |
111,476 |
158,169 |
176,791 |
227,097 |
255,218 |
Total capital revenues |
116,716 |
144,995 |
105,507 |
110,405 |
164,448 |
Federal government |
34,643 |
54,019 |
38,253 |
35,230 |
53,230 |
Provincial government |
36,932 |
26,514 |
26,643 |
26,119 |
56,860 |
Other governments |
12,487 |
24,261 |
13,125 |
13,918 |
25,077 |
Institutional/private |
26,314 |
34,989 |
23,984 |
25,780 |
21,926 |
Other capital revenues5 |
6,341 |
5,212 |
3,502 |
9,358 |
7,356 |
Expenditures |
Total operating expenses |
844,016 |
932,696 |
978,707 |
1,073,331 |
1,264,775 |
Wages |
522,458 |
528,452 |
528,812 |
566,729 |
669,419 |
Artifacts |
8,025 |
14,489 |
12,972 |
15,289 |
21,699 |
Other operating expenses6 |
313,533 |
389,755 |
436,922 |
491,312 |
573,658 |
Total capital expenses |
125,949 |
166,001 |
131,381 |
131,849 |
254,016 |
Purchase and construction |
47,645 |
43,686 |
31,321 |
25,259 |
135,972 |
Renovations |
31,311 |
63,178 |
47,799 |
60,082 |
60,360 |
Other capital expenses7 |
46,993 |
59,137 |
52,261 |
46,508 |
57,684 |
number |
Employment |
Full-time8 |
10,017 |
10,162 |
9,856 |
10,355 |
10,939 |
Part-time8 |
14,108 |
13,073 |
13,654 |
14,567 |
14,588 |
Volunteers |
55,128 |
52,035 |
46,403 |
44,614 |
47,414 |
Note :
- Figures may not add to totals due to rounding.
-The period of collection is the time period covered by the survey. It refers
to the respondent's fiscal year which is between April 1st of the reference
year and March 31st of the following year. While the frequency for the survey
is biennial, there was no survey in 2001-2002. Instead a survey was done
for the 2002-2003 financial year. |
1. Includes paid and non-paid admissions. |
2. Includes municipal and regional
sources. |
3. Includes educational, religious,
institutional or corporate budgets; corporate or foundation grants; and
donations. |
4. Includes earned revenues such
as gross revenues from gift shops, sales counters, cafeterias, camping or
recreational activity fees as well as interest income and other earned revenues.
Also includes unallocated operating revenues. |
5. Includes interest income from
capital endowment funds. |
6. Includes operating expenses
such as the cost of goods sold, utilities, insurance, office supplies, fundraising
and special events expenses. |
7. Includes capital expenses such
as capital equipment, furniture and vehicles. |
8. Full-time includes paid employees
who worked at least 30 hours per week all year. Part-time includes paid
employees who do not meet the full-time definition. |
Sources: Statistics
Canada, CANSIM, table 504-0001
and Catalogue no 87F0002X. |
Last modified: 2004-10-25. |
Find information related to this table (CANSIM table(s); Definitions, data sources and methods; The Daily; publications; and related Canadian Statistics tables).