Profile of the sound recording industry
1992-1993 |
1993-1994 |
1995-19961 |
1998 |
2000 |
number |
Reporting companies by origin of financial
control |
187 |
210 |
254 |
280 |
331 |
Canadian |
172 |
196 |
239 |
263 |
315 |
Foreign |
15 |
14 |
15 |
17 |
16 |
New releases |
6,271 |
6,367 |
6,655 |
6,728 |
6,654 |
With Canadian content / by Canadian artists2 |
669 |
719 |
828 |
1,023 |
1,034 |
Other new releases |
5,602 |
5,648 |
5,827 |
5,705 |
5,620 |
% of new releases with Canadian content / by Canadian
artists2 |
10.7 |
11.3 |
12.4 |
15.2 |
15.5 |
$ thousands |
Revenues by source3, 5 |
828,245 |
953,827 |
1,137,879 |
1,323,880 |
1,319,264 |
Sales of recordings with Canadian content / by Canadian artists2
71,479 |
92,740 |
127,163 |
154,048 |
137,969 |
Sales of other recordings |
562,037 |
645,279 |
747,973 |
737,598 |
723,433 |
Sales of masters, licensing fees, and mechanical / publishing
royalties4 |
25,362 |
33,881 |
38,143 |
70,297 |
56,997 |
Other revenue from industry-related activities |
93,299 |
88,784 |
132,600 |
175,815 |
275,024 |
Total revenue from industry-related activities |
752,178 |
860,684 |
1,045,878 |
1,137,758 |
1,193,423 |
Canadian content / Artists2 as % of sales |
11.3 |
12.6 |
14.5 |
17.3 |
16.0 |
Expenses |
691,560 |
813,670 |
968,732 |
1,134,042 |
1,161,698 |
Cost of goods sold |
407,487 |
446,855 |
550,401 |
638,465 |
578,605 |
Interest |
4,904 |
3,491 |
4,040 |
4,186 |
76,792 |
Depreciation |
6,230 |
7,273 |
9,425 |
10,907 |
15,602 |
Other operating expenses |
272,940 |
356,051 |
404,866 |
480,484 |
490,700 |
Profit/loss before taxes |
136,606 |
140,084 |
169,147 |
189,838 |
157,566 |
Profit margin (%)6 |
16.5 |
14.7 |
14.9 |
14.3 |
11.9 |
1. The data for 1995-96, 1998 and
2000 are not strictly comparable to the data for previous years. |
2. In 1995-96, 1998 and 2000,
releases and sales were reported by whether or not the artist was Canadian,
not by the CRTC definition of Canadian content as in previous years. |
3. Total revenue includes non-record
Industry-related revenues. |
4. All types of publishing royalties
are included in 1995-96, 1998 and 2000 surveys. |
5. Figures may not add to totals
due to rounding. |
6. The profit margin is the difference
between revenue and expenses expressed as a percentage of total revenue. |
Sources: Statistics Canada,
Culture, Tourism and Centre for Education Statistics. |
Last modified: 2004-12-23. |
To find more information related to this table, consult Definitions, data sources, and methods.