Capital expenditures for machinery and equipment by sector, by provinces and territories
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Actual |
Preliminary actual |
Intentions |
Machinery and equipment |
$ millions |
Canada |
80,452.7 |
83,475.4 |
84,338.9 |
83,389.7 |
84,487.3 |
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting |
2,348.0 |
2,363.1 |
2,509.4 |
2,228.2 |
2,196.8 |
Mining and oil and gas extraction |
4,030.4 |
5,442.0 |
6,651.2 |
5,532.4 |
4,972.3 |
Utilities |
2,999.2 |
3,383.5 |
3,299.3 |
3,288.4 |
3,613.0 |
Construction |
2,457.1 |
2,742.8 |
3,067.0 |
3,273.9 |
3,429.8 |
Manufacturing |
17,424.7 |
15,297.2 |
13,952.6 |
15,434.5 |
15,939.4 |
Wholesale trade |
2,545.5 |
2,782.5 |
3,122.3 |
3,095.8 |
3,219.0 |
Retail trade |
2,919.0 |
3,137.7 |
3,262.0 |
3,354.7 |
3,311.2 |
Transportation and warehousing |
5,374.8 |
6,179.2 |
7,599.0 |
8,033.3 |
8,033.0 |
Information and cultural industries |
7,498.9 |
9,094.7 |
6,568.6 |
5,535.4 |
6,102.8 |
Finance and insurance |
12,818.5 |
11,810.3 |
12,190.2 |
10,914.4 |
10,898.2 |
Real estate and rental and leasing |
6,531.0 |
6,638.6 |
7,289.9 |
7,318.8 |
7,486.8 |
Professional, scientific and technical services |
3,287.7 |
2,925.6 |
2,705.1 |
2,615.8 |
2,603.0 |
Management of companies and enterprises |
120.5 |
153.5 |
136.2 |
159.4 |
149.5 |
Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services |
580.2 |
509.8 |
605.1 |
646.4 |
586.7 |
Educational services |
1,555.1 |
1,761.2 |
1,925.0 |
1,948.0 |
1,835.6 |
Health care and social assistance |
1,795.6 |
2,090.1 |
1,954.6 |
2,263.5 |
2,209.4 |
Arts, entertainment and recreation |
487.1 |
544.1 |
765.9 |
961.1 |
904.3 |
Accommodation and food services |
595.2 |
599.9 |
616.8 |
552.4 |
540.5 |
Other services (except public administration) |
749.5 |
859.0 |
884.1 |
864.6 |
869.1 |
Public administration |
4,334.6 |
5,160.5 |
5,234.5 |
5,368.6 |
5,586.7 |
Housing |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Note: This survey collects data on the intentions for capital investment and the expenditures for the previous two years. |
Sources: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 029-0005 and Catalogue no. 61-205-XIB. |
Last modified: 2004-09-09. |
Find information related to this table (CANSIM table(s); Definitions, data sources and methods; The Daily; publications; and related Canadian Statistics tables).