Private radio and conventional television, financial and operating statistics
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Private radio |
$ thousands |
Total operating revenues (x 1,000) |
979,220 |
1,030,236 |
1,076,695 |
1,110,496 |
1,201,622 |
Advertising revenues1 (x 1,000) |
954,521 |
1,003,275 |
1,051,267 |
1,083,522 |
1,174,778 |
Total operating expenses (x 1,000) |
890,066 |
909,136 |
963,340 |
975,792 |
1,009,364 |
Net profit (loss) before taxes (x 1,000) |
87,452 |
111,051 |
96,513 |
159,707 |
209,481 |
Salaries and benefits (x 1,000) |
422,311 |
446,341 |
467,994 |
485,414 |
505,585 |
number |
Number of employees (weekly average) |
8,727 |
8,811 |
9,233 |
8,934 |
9,009 |
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002 - 51511.
- This table does not include community and public radio stations whose activities are mainly financed by public funds or fund raising. |
1. Included in the total revenues above. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 357-0001 and Catalogue no. 56-001-XIE . |
Last modified: 2005-01-19. |
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