Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
population: There are different ways to define the Aboriginal population. Data
presented in this table are for those who identified with one or more Aboriginal groups
(North American Indian, Métis, or Inuit). Also included are those who did not identify
with an Aboriginal group but who reported that they were Registered/Treaty Indians or
Band/First Nation members. The 1996 Census also provides information on those who reported
Aboriginal ethnic origin/ancestry. For more information, contact your local Statistics
Canada regional office. Mother tongue: the first language learned at home in
childhood and still understood by the individual at the time of the census.
Non-official languages: languages other than the two official languages of
Canada: English and French. |
1. Single
response: the respondent reported only one language as mother tongue. 2. Multiple response: the respondent reported more than one language
as mother tongue. |