Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, by provinces and territories
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
$ millions |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
12,184 |
13,922 |
14,221 |
16,615 |
18,268 |
Prince Edward Island |
3,159 |
3,366 |
3,439 |
3,747 |
3,858 |
Nova Scotia |
23,059 |
24,658 |
25,942 |
27,247 |
28,912 |
New Brunswick |
19,041 |
20,085 |
20,689 |
21,168 |
22,452 |
Quebec |
210,809 |
224,928 |
230,734 |
243,763 |
253,657 |
Ontario |
409,020 |
440,759 |
453,931 |
479,556 |
494,501 |
Manitoba |
31,966 |
34,057 |
35,157 |
36,832 |
37,992 |
Saskatchewan |
30,778 |
33,828 |
33,267 |
34,419 |
36,544 |
Alberta |
117,080 |
144,789 |
151,306 |
150,660 |
170,803 |
British Columbia |
120,921 |
131,333 |
134,060 |
138,368 |
145,500 |
Yukon |
1,085 |
1,190 |
1,256 |
1,271 |
1,327 |
Northwest Territories |
2,292 |
2,515 |
2,981 |
3,023 |
3,629 |
Nunavut |
747 |
834 |
876 |
942 |
951 |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 384-0002 and Catalogue no. 13-213-PPB. |
Last Modified: 2004-11-09. |
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