Disposal of waste by source, by provinces and territories
2000 |
1998 |
2000 |
Residential sources |
Industrial, commercial and institutional sources |
Construction and demolition sources |
Total waste disposed |
tonnes |
Canada |
8,350,076 |
11,798,757 |
2,836,194 |
20,840,883 |
22,985,027 |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
x |
119,628 |
x |
366,280 |
409,599 |
Prince Edward Island |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Nova Scotia |
188,768 |
x |
x |
502,577 |
432,487 |
New Brunswick |
228,463 |
x |
x |
468,571 |
472,612 |
Quebec1 |
2,626,560 |
3,594,240 |
691,200 |
5,537,465 |
6,912,000 |
Ontario |
2,931,052 |
3,718,322 |
842,208 |
6,988,157 |
7,491,581 |
Manitoba |
307,806 |
x |
x |
964,726 |
938,624 |
Saskatchewan |
328,709 |
x |
x |
848,408 |
828,359 |
Alberta |
665,975 |
x |
x |
2,527,817 |
2,750,004 |
British Columbia |
766,458 |
1,525,734 |
299,999 |
2,458,484 |
2,592,191 |
Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Note: Total waste disposed is the total amount of non-hazardous waste disposed of in public and private waste disposal facilities. It does not include waste disposed of in hazardous waste disposal facilities nor waste managed by the waste generator on site.
Sources of non-hazardous waste disposed of are derived from reported sources of non-hazardous waste collected and transported for disposal. |
1. Figures are derived from the results of surveys conducted by the province. |
Source: Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Catalogue no. 16F0023XIE. |
Last modified: 2004-05-25. |
To find more information related to this table, consult Definitions, data sources, and methods.