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 Canadian Statistics > Latest indicators > System of national accounts

Real gross domestic product, expenditure-based (quarterly)

  3rd quarter 2003 2nd quarter 2004 3rd quarter 2004 2nd quarter 2004 to 3rd quarter 2004 3rd quarter 2003 to 3rd quarter 2004
  seasonally adjusted at annual rates
  millions of chained (1997) dollars % change
Real gross domestic product at market prices 1,095,469 1,122,353 1,131,302 0.8 3.3
Personal expenditure on consumer goods and services 624,729 638,154 642,868 0.7 2.9
Durable goods 97,399 96,213 97,345 1.2 -0.1
Semi-durable goods 56,448 58,800 60,071 2.2 6.4
Non-durable goods 139,941 142,562 143,271 0.5 2.4
Services 332,052 341,421 343,202 0.5 3.4
Government current expenditure on goods and services 206,820 210,856 212,927 1.0 3.0
Government gross fixed capital formation 30,787 31,169 30,984 -0.6 0.6
Government inventories1 24 248 160 -88 136
Business gross fixed capital formation 197,167 204,691 206,938 1.1 5.0
Residential structures 63,298 67,044 67,589 0.8 6.8
Non-residential structures and equipment 132,909 136,363 138,096 1.3 3.9
  Non-residential structures 45,109 45,197 45,262 0.1 0.3
  Machinery and equipment 88,229 91,906 93,735 2.0 6.2
Business investment in inventories1 3,410 2,287 16,894 14,607 13,484
Non-farm1 -1,212 -162 14,515 14,677 15,727
Farm1 4,558 1,959 1,533 -426 -3,025
Exports of goods and services 434,813 468,064 465,736 -0.5 7.1
Goods 377,254 408,522 406,891 -0.4 7.9
Services 57,654 59,690 58,990 -1.2 2.3
Deduct: Imports of goods and services 401,081 432,853 446,270 3.1 11.3
Goods 339,224 368,300 382,196 3.8 12.7
Services 61,695 64,703 64,577 -0.2 4.7
Statistical discrepancy1 -855 -932 125 1,057 980
Final domestic demand 1,059,110 1,084,316 1,093,185 0.8 3.2
1. The change column reflects actual change in millions of dollars for these items.
Sources: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 380-0002 and Catalogue no. 13-001-XIB.
Last modified: 2004-11-30.

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