Employed labour force by place of work, by provinces and territories (1996 and 2001 Censuses)
and notes |
2001 |
Place of work status |
Total |
Worked at home |
Worked outside Canada |
No fixed workplace address |
Usual place of work |
number |
Canada |
14,695,130 |
1,175,760 |
68,520 |
1,273,450 |
12,177,410 |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
188,815 |
11,570 |
590 |
15,865 |
160,790 |
Prince Edward Island |
63,935 |
5,690 |
185 |
6,100 |
51,965 |
Nova Scotia |
402,295 |
26,990 |
2,260 |
40,765 |
332,280 |
New Brunswick |
325,335 |
20,215 |
1,520 |
30,050 |
273,545 |
Quebec |
3,434,265 |
224,685 |
9,245 |
225,685 |
2,974,650 |
Ontario |
5,713,900 |
406,230 |
33,930 |
466,945 |
4,806,790 |
Manitoba |
549,990 |
54,310 |
1,605 |
43,335 |
450,730 |
Saskatchewan |
479,735 |
86,500 |
870 |
40,370 |
352,000 |
Alberta |
1,608,840 |
165,865 |
6,020 |
189,920 |
1,247,035 |
British Columbia |
1,883,975 |
171,390 |
12,235 |
210,510 |
1,489,835 |
Yukon |
15,860 |
1,065 |
35 |
1,605 |
13,155 |
Northwest Territories |
18,810 |
795 |
15 |
1,435 |
16,565 |
Nunavut |
9,380 |
455 |
10 |
855 |
8,065 |
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population. |
Last modified: 2004-09-01. |
For more statistical information, consult 2001 Census.
For more information on the concepts, methods and quality of the data contained in this table,
consult the Statistical data documentation.