Employed labour force by mode of transportation to work, by provinces and
territories (2001 Census)
2001 |
and notes |
Canada |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick |
number |
Total - modes of transportation |
13,450,855 |
176,660 |
58,060 |
373,045 |
303,595 |
Car, truck or van, as driver |
9,929,470 |
134,940 |
47,530 |
280,365 |
241,570 |
Car, truck or van, as passenger |
923,970 |
18,610 |
5,575 |
35,870 |
30,145 |
Public transit |
1,406,585 |
3,080 |
135 |
18,020 |
5,320 |
Walked to work |
881,085 |
14,595 |
3,710 |
30,860 |
20,230 |
Bicycle |
162,910 |
260 |
260 |
2,270 |
1,430 |
Motorcycle |
13,460 |
45 |
35 |
385 |
225 |
Taxicab |
30,025 |
615 |
375 |
1,540 |
1,950 |
Other method |
103,345 |
4,505 |
440 |
3,745 |
2,725 |
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population. |
Last modified: 2004-09-01. |
For more statistical information, consult 2001 Census.
For more information on the concepts, methods and quality of the data contained in this table,
consult the Statistical data documentation.