Adult correctional services, average counts of offenders in provincial, territorial and federal programs
Canada1 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
Custodial and community supervision |
number of persons |
Total actual-in count |
32,390 |
31,608 |
31,477 |
32,012 |
32,512 |
Sentenced |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Remand |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Other statuses |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
rate |
Incarceration rates per 100,000 adults2,3 |
140 |
136 |
133 |
133 |
134 |
current dollars |
Average daily inmate cost |
140.35 |
153.47 |
162.29 |
172.75 |
177.96 |
constant 1992/93 dollars |
Average daily inmate cost |
129.59 |
138.64 |
142.74 |
148.54 |
148.67 |
number of persons |
Total community supervision count |
119,428 |
121,845 |
119,921 |
122,868 |
124,196 |
Probation |
101,868 |
102,860 |
100,526 |
101,915 |
103,073 |
Conditional sentence |
7,627 |
8,984 |
9,885 |
11,941 |
12,887 |
Conditional release4 |
9,933 |
10,000 |
9,510 |
9,013 |
8,236 |
rate |
Probation counts per 100,000 adults3 |
443 |
441 |
437 |
436 |
434 |
Note: Fiscal year (April 1 through March 31). Not all variables are applicable to or available for all jurisdictions. Inter-jurisdictional comparisons of the data should be made with caution. |
1. Represents the total or weighted average of provincial, territorial and federal jurisdiction figures as applicable. |
2. Based on total actual-in counts. |
3. Calculated using population estimates provided by Demography Division of Statistics Canada. |
4. Provincial and territorial figures represent provincial parole where applicable. Federal figures represent the sum of day parole, full parole and statutory release. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, tables 251-0004 and 251-0007. |
Last modified: 2004-11-18. |
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