Taxi and limousine services, operating statistics, by provinces and territories
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
$ thousands |
Canada |
Total revenue |
1,056,154 |
1,065,616 |
1,028,316 |
1,038,240 |
1,188,605 |
Operating revenue |
1,049,989 |
1,063,780 |
1,014,776 |
1,029,123 |
1,176,004 |
Non-operating revenue |
6,166 |
1,836 |
13,541 |
9,117 |
12,601 |
Total expenses |
861,166 |
855,155 |
847,462 |
876,455 |
981,418 |
Operating expenses |
839,455 |
839,519 |
829,061 |
855,412 |
961,555 |
Non-operating expenses |
21,711 |
15,636 |
18,401 |
21,043 |
19,864 |
Operating margin1 |
210,533 |
224,261 |
185,715 |
173,711 |
214,449 |
Estimated number of carriers |
30,195 |
28,509 |
25,339 |
27,285 |
33,229 |
Note: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002 - 4853. |
1. Operating margin is the difference between operating revenue and operating expenses. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 407-0001. |
Last modified: 2004-09-24. |
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