Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

>e-Learning Courses FAQs


System Requirements


Course Information

How to disable pop-up blockers


What are e-Learning courses?

e-Learning refers to learning and supportive resources that are made available through a computer. Although there are many definitions and varieties of e-Learning, CCOHS' e-Learning courses are delivered via the web. The courses are user-friendly, with easy features such as a printable notepad, bookmarking, links to supplementary resources, and easy navigation to any section of the course. The programs offer a virtual tour to help e-learners get started and interaction with the course instructor is available for extra guidance.

What are the benefits of e-Learning?

For most working Canadians, learning about occupational health and safety is not only a benefit - it's a legislated requirement. Here are some reasons why many companies prefer e-learning as a way to train their staff, managers and supervisors:

  • People can learn at their own pace, and at their own convenience.
  • No waiting. The training is available on demand, 24/7.
  • Progress evaluation. The multi-user license includes reports on the users taking a particular course, and how well they're doing.
  • Money spent wisely. Every training dollar goes to actual training instead of airfare and hotels.
  • Everyone receives the same information and the same high standard of training.

For a description of the currently available courses, please visit our site at

Are the e-learning courses available in French?

Yes, the CCOHS e-learning courses are available in English and French. For more information on the French versions of the course, please check our web site at

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System Requirements

What are the system requirements to take the course?

The minimum recommended requirements are:

  • Windows XP (SP2) or higher
  • Web browser (Internet Explorer 6.x or higher; Firefox 3.x or higher)
  • Adobe Flash Player, version 9 or higher (available for free)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.x or higher

Minimum 56.6 Kbps Internet connection (High Speed cable, DSL or other broadband access recommended)

Note: For most of the CCOHS e-learning courses, you will also need a sound card with speakers or headphones to use the audio features.

I have a pop-up blocker installed. Will this cause any problems?

Yes. Pop-Up blockers prevent windows from opening automatically. They can be useful to prevent the spontaneous appearance of annoying and inconvenient ads, however, the blocker will interfere with the CCOHS e-learning courses. For information on how to disable a pop-up blocker, please click here.

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I have purchased a single user access to one of your e-learning courses. When will my access expire?

Subscribers to the single-user version of the e-learning courses will have access for 90 days after purchasing the license. For multiple user corporate subscriptions, access is for 365 days.

Having completed my single user access to one of your e-learning courses, I would like to arrange for several of my colleagues to take the e-learning courses as well. What is the best way to proceed?

When 4 or more people will be taking the same e-learning course, whether in English or French, you could consider subscribing to the courses with multiple user access. For more information on the pricing for single and multiple user access, please visit our Web site at and click on the title of the course you are interested in.

My company is considering subscribing to the e-learning courses for multiple users. Is this possible?

Yes, all CCOHS e-learning courses have multiple and single user pricing. For more information, or to discuss the options available with a corporate subscription, please contact Client Services.

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Course Information

How long does it take to complete the course?

The length of time needed to complete the course depends on the individual learner. Some people will try to complete the course in one session, where others will take the course over a longer period of time. The estimated time to complete the e-learning courses is indicated in the descriptions of the courses by going to our Web site at and clicking on the title of the course you are interested in.

Is there an instructor available to help me?

Each module has an “Ask a Question” screen that links the learner to an e-mail form. The learner can ask a question that will be sent to Client Services by e-mail for response.

When I register to take an e-learning course,do I receive a manual in the mail?

No, there are no printed manuals available as part of the e-learning courses. You can, however, print various screens from the courses. To print a currently active screen, click CTRL-P (Windows) or Command-P (Macintosh).

Are there any tests in the courses?

Yes, each of the e-learning courses has a final examination.

Will there be any problems if I start taking the exam and have to leave my computer?

Yes, if you start the exam and then leave for 30 minutes or more, the system will time out your session and you will receive a failing grade for that attempt.  You will also be timed out if you are in the e-learning course module and leave your computer.  To begin again, just log back into the e-learning course.

Do I receive anything when I complete the course?

When you pass the examination, by receiving an 80% grade or higher, a new screen will appear displaying a certificate for successfully completing the e-course. You can print the certificate directly from your Web browser.

What happens if I don't get 80% the first time I take the examination?

If you do not receive a passing grade the first time you take the examination, you will have 2 more opportunities to take the examination. Questions in the examination are randomly generated from a question pool, so you may not get the same questions the next time you attempt the examination.

I have passed the examination. Do I still have access to the course?

Yes, you will continue to have access to the e-learning course until your subscription period expires. Please note that you will not be able to access the examination again once you have passed.

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How to disable pop-up blockers

For the CCOHS e-learning courses, it is required that you disable any pop-up blockers currently installed on your computer. Listed below are some of the more popular pop-up blocking programs and the steps to disable them.

Windows XP Service Pack 2

Wth the release of the Windows XP SP 2, pop-up blocking is automatically enabled in the software. To disable the blocker:

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Tools
  3. Click on Pop-up Blocker in the menu
  4. Click on Turn Off Pop-up Blocker

Once you have followed the above steps, you should be able to use the e-learning courses.

Firefox Web Browser

To disable popup blockers in the Windows version of Firefox:

  1. Click on Tools
  2. Click on Options
  3. Click on Content
  4. Remove check mark from "Block pop-up windows" option
  5. Click OK


Various Web search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, etc., have a customized toolbar that can be downloaded from their site. In some cases, a Pop-Up blocker is available as part of the toolbar software.

The pop-up blocker may appear as a button on the toolbar that can be turned on and off by clicking on the button. If a button does not appear on the toolbar, you will need to disable it.

To disable the toolbars:

  1. In your Web browser, click on View, Toolbars
  2. Click on Web Features
  3. Click on the name of the toolbar you wish to disable.This will remove the checkmark next to the name.

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Please contact CCOHS Client Services if you have further questions about these products and services.