Awards and Honours

Here are a few honorary distinctions won by the National Battlefields Commission:

  • 2011 - Winter Pentathlon - Corporative Challenge
    Conviviality Award
  • 2010 - Canadian Museum Association
    Museums and Schools Partnershio Award for Student Masterworks, in partnership with the Commission scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin
    More information
  • 2009 - Communities in Bloom – National edition
    Special attractions category
    Five-flower mention and special outstanding innovation mention for the Info-plant terminal
  • 2009 - Jeunes explorateurs d'un jour Program - award to corporative officer: Lucie Benoit, guide - coordinator
  • 2008 - Société du 400e anniversaire de la ville de Québec - Commemorative Medallion of the 400th
  • 2008 - Communities in Bloom – National edition
    Special attractions category
    Five-flower outstanding achievement and special mention for community outreach
  • 2007– Communities in Bloom – National edition
    Parks and grounds category
    special five-flower mention – recognition for urban forestry
  • 2006 - Association québécoise d'interprétation du patrimoine
    Merit award for heritage interpretation: “1759: from the Warpath to the Plains of Abraham”
  • 2006 - Festival international de l'audiovisuel et du multimédia sur le patrimoine
    official selection - virtual exhibition: “1759: from the Warpath to the Plains of Abraham”
  • 2006 - Société des Musées Québécois (Quebec Museum Association)
    Télé-Québec audio-visual and multimedia award: “1759: from the Warpath to the Plains of Abraham”
  • 2006 – Communities in Bloom – National edition
    Parks and grounds category
    special five-flower mention – recognition for showcasing history and heritage
  • 2005 - Collectivités en fleurs (flower competition) – National edition
    Parks and landscaping category
    special four-flower mention – floral arrangements
  • 2004 – Quebec Bus Owners Association
    La Grande Séduction… en groupe, privilege product: “Wolfe and Montcalm give a show of their own”
  • 2003 – National history and heritage show
    Best exhibitor
  • 2002 - Québec en fleurs (flower competition)
    first prize – Canadian community
  • 2002- – The best in Quebec City
    Best location for hiking
  • 2002 - Bienvenue Québec
    Best exhibitor
  • 2001 - Association québécoise d'interprétation du patrimoine
    Merit award for heritage interpretation: “Council of War at the Martello Tower”
  • 1999 – Quebec Tourism Award - regional
    Best tourism employee: Benoît Gilbert
  • 1997 - Québec en fleurs (flower competition)
    First prize – Canadian community
  • 1996 – Quebec Tourism Award - provincial
    Public enterprise award
  • 1993 – Quebec Tourism Award - regional
    Public enterprise award