Joan of Arc Garden

Joan of Arc GardenCreated in 1938 by landscape architect Louis Perron, the garden has its own special style: rectangular in shape and built slightly below ground level, it combines the French classical style with the British-style beds. Visitors have an opportunity to admire over 150 species of annuals, bulbs and, especially, perennials. From April to October, visitors are enchanted by the multitude of colours and scents.

A floral tradition

For the last 100 years or so, the National Battlefields Commission has been growing all the flowers used to beautify the park. The greenhouses, among the oldest active in Québec, produce some 50,000 annuals, biennials and perennials.

Mosaiculture (carpet-bedding)

Mosaiculture (carpet-bedding)Used since the early 1900s, carpet bedding consists in making raised drawings or lettering with specific plants (santolinasm alternentheras).

Creativity, imagination and dexterity are the key words to describe mosaiculture (carpet-bedding).

This particular technique has become an important part of the ornamental horticultural tradition of the park, the pride of our gardening expertise.

Moreover, the National Battlefields Commission was the first agency to use this type of gardening in Québec. You can admire mosaiculture at the base of the main monuments.

Other floral attractions

Apart from the Joan of Arc Garden, there are other floral displays worth visiting:

  • the flower beds along Ontario Avenue, south side of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec;
  • the borders of the Centennial Fountain next to the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand;
  • the XII World Forestry Congress Commemorative Garden;
  • the mosaics around the various monuments;
  • the entrance to the Des Braves Park.

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