Get it in Writing!

If you're planning on hiring a contractor to do construction, renovation, or repair work on your home, the Get it in Writing! Web site has information that will help you.
Get it in Writing! is a national campaign to warn consumers of the risks involved in dealing with contractors who offer "under-the-table" cash deals and to explain why it's important to insist on a written contract and get receipts.
There are many experienced and reliable contractors working in your community—highly skilled professionals who do business the right way. But not all contractors play by the same rules. Some cut corners to offer low prices as long as nothing is written down, and you pay them in cash. You should know about the risks involved in "under-the-table" cash deals before you decide to hire a contractor.
The Get it in Writing! campaign is being carried out by the Canadian Home Builders' Association with support from the Government of Canada.
For more information, visit the Get it in Writing! Web site.
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