Watch a Public Commission Hearing or Meeting Online

Webcasts of public hearings and meetings

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) offers online videos, or Webcasts, of its Commission public hearings and meetings. If you are interested in learning about what happens at a public hearing or meeting, watch a Webcast of a past public Commission hearing or meeting.

The next webcast will begin at 9:00 AM on August 21, 2013 - Ottawa, Ontario

Upcoming Webcasts

See the Public Meetings Calendar >

See the Public Hearings Calendar >

Archive of past Commission meeting and hearing Webcasts

Public Commission Hearings


Public Commission Meetings


Webcasts are also available for sessions of the Joint Review Panel on the Deep Geologic Repository Project.

Please note: Past Webcasts have been edited from the live versions for archiving purposes only and are only available in their original language. They are posted on CNSC’s Web site for a three-month period. Webcasts do not form part of the official record of the proceedings.

For more information

Browse meeting documents by date >

Browse hearing documents by date >

Copyright in the material contained in the Webcasts is vested in the Crown. Extracts from Webcasts may be reproduced for individual use without permission provided the source is fully acknowledged. However, reproduction in whole or in part for purposes of resale or redistribution requires prior written permission from CNSC.

Computer requirements to watch a public Commission hearing or meeting Webcast

  • Windows Media Player (or Flip4Mac for Apple OS X) (external link)
  • Minimum 56k dial-up Internet access connection
  • An Internet Explorer or other Web browser that is Javascript enabled

Your comments matter to us

Please send any comments and feedback about the Webcasts of public Commission hearings and meetings to