Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) conducts internal audits and program evaluations to independently and objectively assess the performance of the CNSC in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency in relation to its regulatory mandate, as well as giving advice on related improvement initiatives.

Internal audits

Internal audits provide management with objective assessments about the design and operation of management practices, control systems, and information, in keeping with modern comptrollership principles. Such audits are normally of an assurance nature, making use of criteria that set out what could reasonably be expected, with reporting in writing according to accepted standards.

Internal Audit Charter (PDF)




Archived Internal Audit Reports

Previous internal audit reports listed below are available upon request. Please contact the Office of Audit and Ethics for assistance in obtaining the documents in PDF format.

Office of Audit and Ethics
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
280 Slater Street
P.O. Box 1046
Station B
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5S9

Telephone: 1-800-668-5284 (in Canada) or 613-995-5894 (outside Canada)
Fax: 613-995-5086


  • Audit of the Integrated Improvement Initiatives (I3P) Programme   
  • Audit of Sealed Source Controls      
  • Audit of Contracting and Procurement   


  • Audit of the Uranium Mines and Mills Division   


Evaluations contribute to measuring success and identifying priorities or areas of focus for the performance objectives of the organization. They are conducted for the generation of accurate, objective and evidenced-based information to help managers make sound, more effective decisions on their policies, programs and initiatives and through this provide results for Canadians