2013-14 Report on Plans and Priorities

Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue

Respendable Revenue

($ thousands)
Program Forecast Revenue
Planned Revenue
Planned Revenue
Planned Revenue
Internal services
Internal support services 49 49 49 49
Total Respendable Revenue 49 49 49 49

Non-Respendable Revenue

($ thousands)
Program Forecast Revenue
Planned Revenue
Planned Revenue
Planned Revenue
Prime Minister and portfolio ministers’ support and advice
Refunds of previous years’ expenditures 16 16 16 16
Sub-total 16 16 16 16
Cabinet and Cabinet committees’ advice and support
Refunds of previous years’ expenditures 8 8 8 8
Sale of statutory instruments pursuant to the Statutory Instruments Act 1 1 1 1
Sub-total 9 9 9 9
Public service leadership and direction
Refunds of previous years’ expenditures 0 0 0 0
Sub-total 0 0 0 0
Commissions of inquiry
Refunds of previous years’ expenditures 2 0 0 0
Sub-total 2 0 0 0
Internal services
Refunds of previous years’ expenditures 22 22 22 22
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 22 22 54 22
Revenues pursuant to the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act 4 4 4 4
Other revenues (sundries) 4 4 4 4
Sub-total 52 52 84 52
Total Non-respendable Revenue 79 77 109 77
Total Respendable and Non-respendable Revenue 128 126 158 126