Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Details of Transfer Payment Programs

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to compensate members of the RCMP for injuries received in the performance of their duty (Voted)

Start Date: July 8, 1959

End Date: Ongoing

Fiscal Year for Ts & Cs: N/A

Strategic Outcome: Incomes are secure for RCMP members and their survivors affected by disability or death.

Program: Statutory Payments

Description: This Sub-program significantly contributes to the higher level expected results of the organization’s mandate in that it protects members of the organization in a real way in the event they become disabled as a result of carrying out the duties and activities associated with endeavouring to ensure a safe and secure Canada. This Sub-program provides both financial and health care assistance to members of the RCMP and their families in the event of injuries/illness and/or death occurring to members as a consequence of their duties.

Expected Results: Eligible clients are appropriately compensated for the non-economic effects of a service-related illness/injury and/or death.

Program: Statutory Payments
Forecast Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Total Grants 121.5 132.3 143.9 156.1
Total Contributions        
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments        
Total Transfer Payments 121.5 132.3 143.9 156.1

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: N/A

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: N/A

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: N/A

General Targeted Recipient Group: Members of the RCMP

Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Administration and payment of this grant are managed by Veterans Affairs Canada.

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to the provinces and territories and to Aboriginal and/or other communities and organizations (not for profit) (Voted)

Start Date: 1995-96

End Date: Ongoing

Fiscal Year for Ts & Cs:

  • 2010-11 for Opt-in provinces and territories
  • 2011-12 for Aboriginal and/or other communities and organizations

Strategic Outcome: Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced

Program: Canadian Law Enforcement Services


  • Opt-in provinces: to support participating provinces in administering the Firearms Act within their jurisdiction by ensuring responsible ownership, use and storage of firearms
  • Aboriginal and/or other communities and non-profit organizations: to promote responsible firearms ownership, use and storage of firearms in aboriginal and other communities across Canada by providing information and education on firearm safety

Expected Results:

  • Opt-in provinces
    • Expected results: Recipients will provide listed services in a timely and efficient manner to all firearms clients in their jurisdiction
    • Performance measures: Percentage of restricted/prohibited firearms registrations and transfers completed within the 30-day standard and licence applications completed within the 45-day standard, following enhanced screening for the assessment of risk in the client profile
    • Evaluation: Recipients are required to report on various aspects of delivery and administration of the Firearms Act as defined in each specific agreement
  • Aboriginal and/or other communities and organizations:
    • Expected results: Increased safety benefits provided by the Canadian Firearms Program through partnerships and support to Aboriginal and non-profit community groups.
    • Performance measures: The number of aboriginals who have participated in a firearms safety course given in an aboriginal community by a partner agency; and the number of Canadians exposed to firearms safety outreach products.
    • Evaluation: Recipients are required to report, on a quarterly basis, the number of Aboriginal community participants who successfully completed the training and who applied for a firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence. Other recipients report on audience sizes and locations for firearms safety outreach products and/or messages.
Program: Canadian Law Enforcement Services
  Forecast Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 14.5  14.5  14.5  14.5 
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments        
Total Transfer Payments 14.5  14.5  14.5  14.5 

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2010-11

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: The next evaluation scheduled for Opt-In provinces is 2015-16 and 2016-17 for Aboriginal and/or other communities and organizations (not-for-profit).

General Targeted Recipient Group: Provinces and Territories, First Nations communities, Other Aboriginal recipients and organizations, and Non-profit organizations.

Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: The RCMP Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) seeks out recipient organizations for contribution funding agreements through the provincial/territorial Chief Firearms Officers (CFOs). The CFOs use their established outreach networks to connect the CFP with stakeholders, not-for-profit groups, Aboriginal groups and firearms safety organizations. In addition, the CFP has an ongoing relationship with the Canada Safety Council – Canada's foremost not-for-profit safety organization – that is focused on firearms safety awareness and outreach.

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Pensions under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act (PCA) (Statutory)

Start Date: 1959

End Date: Ongoing so long as there are remaining plan members and survivors

Fiscal Year for Ts & Cs: N/A

Strategic Outcome: Incomes are secure for RCMP members and their survivors affected by disability or death.

Program: Statutory Payments

Description: The PCA is a defined benefit pension plan whose purpose is to provide a lifetime benefit for RCMP members and their survivors. It provides for the payment of pensions to Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Constables engaged prior to March 1, 1949, except those who elected to come under the RCMP Superannuation Act. The PCA is predecessor to this Act.

Expected Results: To provide a pension benefit for life to eligible RCMP pensioners and survivors.

Program: Statutory Payments
  Forecast Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Total Grants 14.1 14.0 13.0 13.0
Total Contributions        
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments        
Total Transfer Payments 14.1 14.0 13.0 13.0

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2008

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: N/A

General Targeted Recipient Group: Other – RCMP pensioners and their survivors

Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: N/A – All plan participants are either existing pensioners or survivors. There will be no new pensioners entering the plan. Current pensioners and survivors receive correspondence via the RCMP’s third party pension administrator, Morneau Shepell.

Disclosure of TPPs under $5 million
Name of TPP Main Objective End Date of TPP, if applicable Type of TP (G,C) Planned Spending 2013-14 Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation General Targeted Recipient Group
RCMP Survivor Income Plan (Voted) The Survivor Income Plan provides compensation to survivors of regular and civilian members who suffer a duty related death and was designed to replicate an income level for survivors equal to that which the member would have received had s/he survived. Ongoing G $2,185,000 N/A Other – survivors of regular and civilian members of the RCMP
Grant to Promote Law Enforcement through Crime Prevention, Training and Public Relations (Voted) The purpose of this grant program is to support lateral initiatives related to law enforcement and public relations, as well as provide grants to not-for-profit organizations for the purpose of crime prevention, crime awareness and training. Ongoing G $1,000,000 N/A Not-for-profit organizations, other levels of government and other – members of non-RCMP police forces