Figure 1: Roles and Responsibilities of CFIA, AAFC and Industry

The first box contains Systems Development Component with the following subheadings from left to right, Strategy, System development, Training materials and Management/audit systems.

The first box located under system development contains development of technical documentation. This box points to submission screening which is located under strategy.

A box which contains modification of technical documentation, located under system development points points to two boxes. The first box is located under system development, contains technical review part 1. This box contains four sub-sections which consist of Review, Request for Changes, Approval of Changes, Letter of Completion and the second box, under strategy, contains submission screening.

All of the boxes located under Strategy and System development, fall under AAFC, Industry and CFIA.

Under the systems development components, training materials and management/ audit systems is a box which contains On-Farm Implementation Component (workshops, on-farm support, technical assistance, specialized equipment (dependent upon receipt of Letter of Completion) ). Implementation and Training.

Following the above is another box that contains Development of Management Related Documentation, this box, the box above which contains Implementation and training as well as a third box which contains Third Party Audit (Plus other required documents) all point to a second box which contains Adherence Verification and On Going Monitoring. Under the section of this box that contains Adherence Verification, there are five sub categories. Starting from the left:

The first box contains Submission Screening.

The second box contains Technical Review Part Two with subheadings Review, Request for Changes and Approval of Changes.

The third box is connected to the second box contains Letter of Non-Objection.

The fourth box contains Implementaiton Assessment with subheadings Review, Request for Changes and Approval of Changes.

The fifth and final box is connected to the fourth box and contains Letter of Rec.

Below is a box which contains Modification of Management-Related Documentation which points to Submission Screening and Approval of Changes.

The box containing Modifications to System Implementation points up to the box containing Implementation Assessment.