Figure 2: Refocused Logic Model for OFFSRP (June 9, 2009)

Under the title Activities there are three boxes.

The first box includes: Development Phase with a bulleted list as follows: Develop criteria for the technical review of HACCP plans and Producer Manuals, Develop criteria for the technical review of management systems, Develop criteria for the final review step and Develop criteria for ongoing assessments.

The second box includes: Implementation Phase with a bulleted list as follows: Technical review of generic HACCP plans and producer manuals, Technical review of management systems, Recognition assessment and Ongoing assessment (post recognition).

The Third box includes: In support of recognition processes with a bulleted list as follows: Collaborating with FPT partners and Technical Advice.

As listed above under Activities the first box (titled Development Phase) points to the outputs box which contains: Publicly available guides, criteria, and process material for each review and assessment activity. This output box then points to three boxes which indicate possible Immediate Outcomes:

The first box under Immediate Outcomes contains: Increased awareness of on farm food safety systems and recognition processes at the producer and primary processor levels.

The second box under Immediate Outcomes contains: CFIA led recognition and ongoing assessment processes implemented in consultation with AAFC, Health Canada, Provincial Governments and Industry Associations.

The third box under Immediate Outcomes consist of: Increased collaboration with F/P/T partners on the effective application of on-farm food safety systems and recognition processes.

Going back up to the top of the image, the second box (titled Implementation Phase) under Activities points to three boxes under outputs:

The first box under outputs contains: Industry HACCP model is consistent with developed criteria.

The second box under outputs contains: Industry implementation of management systems is consistent with developed criteria.

The third box under outputs contains a bulleted list as follows: Letters of Completion, Letters of Non-Objection and Letters of Recognition.

All three of the boxes listed above under outputs point to the following three boxes which indicate possible Immediate Outcomes:

The first box under Immediate Outcomes contains: Increased awareness of on farm food safety systems and recognition processes at the producer and primary processor levels.

The second box under Immediate Outcomes contains : CFIA led recognition and ongoing assessment processes implemented in consultation with AAFC, Health Canada, Provincial Governments and Industry Associations.

The third box under Immediate Outcomes consist of: Increased collaboration with F/P/T partners on the effective application of on-farm food safety systems and recognition processes.

Going back up to the top of the image, the third box (titled In support of recognition processes) under Activities points to the outputs box which contains: Technical advice provided to industry and government programs.

This output box then points to three boxes which indicate possible Immediate Outcomes:

The first box under Immediate Outcomes contains: Increased awareness of on farm food safety systems and recognition processes at the producer and primary processor levels.

The second box under Immediate Outcomes contains: CFIA led recognition and ongoing assessment processes implemented in consultation with AAFC, Health Canada, Provincial Governments and Industry Associations.

The third box under Immediate Outcomes consist of: Increased collaboration with F/P/T partners on the effective application of on-farm food safety systems and recognition processes.

Under but not attached to Immediate Outcomes are Intermediate Outcomes. Intermediate Outcomes contains two boxes.

The first box in Intermediate Outcomes contains: Industry adoption of science-based, risk management practices.

The second box in Intermediate Outcomes contains: Established policy and protocol for the recognition system for on-farm food safety programs are in place to contribute to maintaining confidence of Canada's trading partners and facilitate open access to marketplace.

Both boxes as listed above under Intermediate Outcomes connect to a box under Final Outcomes. The box under Final Outcomes contains: Protect human health by reducing exposure to hazards. Consumer confidence in the safety and quality of food produced in Canada.