Figure 1: Number of Premises Quarantined by Reason for Quarantine Issuance

Figure 1, a bar graph, shows the number of quarantined premises and the reason for quarantine issuance in the infected area of Fraser Valley, British Columbia. The first bar illustrates that 3 premises were quarantined due to being infected. The second bar shows 23 quarantined premises within the 3 km perimeter associated with IP#1/IP#1a. The third bar shows 10 quarantined premises, following a movement-tracing investigation of IP#1/IP#1a. The fourth bar depicts 10 quarantined premises within the 3 km perimeter associated with IP#1/IP#1a. The fifth bar has 2 quarantined premises, resulting from the movement-tracing investigation of IP#2. The sixth bar displays 4 quarantined premises, owing to the CFIA-licensed movement of pullets.