Small Ruminant Dentition

One page with 8 images in two columns of four images.

First image left column consists of a lamb's head with the teeth exposed by human hands holding back the animal's lips. Under the image is the word "lamb."
To the right of the first image is a top view drawing of a sheep's jaw with the teeth numbered and captions for "'median line" pointing to the centre of the palate and the word "Lamb."

Second image left column consists of a lamb's head with the teeth exposed by human hands holding back the animal's lips with the caption "Two Tooth (1-2 yrs old) two permanent incisors"
To the right of the second image is a top view drawing of a sheep's jaw with the teeth numbered and the caption "Age 1-1½ years old".

Third image left column consists of a lamb's head with the teeth exposed by human hands holding back the animal's lips with the caption "2-3 year old".
To the right of the third image is a top view drawing of a sheep's jaw with the teeth numbered and the caption " Age 2-2½ yrs"

Fourth image left column consists of a lamb's head with the teeth exposed by human hands holding back the animal's lips with the caption "3-4 year old".
To the right of the fourth image is a top view drawing of a sheep's jaw with the teeth numbered and the caption "Age 3-3½ yrs".