Fish Import Program Responsibility Structure

The schematic shows the responsibilities of the importer and CFIA in ensuring the safety of imported fish product. The importer is responsible for the safety of imported product and they have to manage their suppliers, who in turn are responsible to control the product hazards. There are two type of importers: Basic Importers and QMPI Importers.

Basic Importers must understand the product hazards and take the appropriate affirmative actions to ensure that their suppliers are capable of producing product that meets Canadian standards.

QMPI importers must develop and deliver a Quality Management Plan that outlines the controls to ensure that their imported product meets regulatory standards. The QMPI plan includes a product verification component.

The CFIA audits QMPI importers and for Basic importers the CFIA verifies compliance to their license requirements and the CFIA also conducts the appropriate product verification sampling and testing. The CFIA will also conduct the appropriate product monitoring to verify the effectiveness of the Fish Import Program as designed and delivered.