Check List: Check-list of Information to include on a 60-day Forward Contract

The applicant may use this check list to ensure all the information is included on the 60-day Forward Contract.

Purchaser's Name, Purchaser's Address, Seller's Name, Seller's Address

A clear indication of the end use of the potatoes (repacking, processing, other), Origin of Potatoes, Volume/Quantity (that is to say: weight or number of loads), Grade/Quality, Size (when a grade is required), Colour (if applicable), Type (that is to say: round, long)(*required when for repacking), Variety (if applicable)

Dated Signature of Purchaser, Dated Signature of Seller, Date of First Shipment, Purchase Price, Date of Contract Expiry (cannot exceed 12 months from date when contract was signed)

Notes/Additional Information (if applicable)