Example of Flow Chart Diagram

At the top of the image is a box that says:

Wholesaler #1, City
Restaurant's receipt date 5/14
Quantity: 5 cases
Invoice 1002
Invoice date: 5/14
Lot # : none

This box has an arrow pointing to another box that says:

Restaurant's name, City

An arrow points from the previous box to the following box that says:

Wholesaler #2, City
Not implicated

The following three boxes point to the first box in the diagram containing information on Wholesaler #1:

Box 1
Shipper #1, City
Wholesaler #1's receipt date: 5/13
Quantity: 500 cases
Invoice: 563
Invoice date: 5/12
Lot#: none

Box 2
Shipper #2, City
Wholesaler #1's receipt date: 5/12
Quantity: 500
Invoice: 0190
Invoice date: 5/10
Lot#: none

Box 3
Shipper #3, City
Not implicated

The 2 following boxes containing the information for Grower #1 and Grower #2, both point to Box #1, which contains the Shipper #1 information.

Grower #1, City
Not implicated

Box #2
Grower #2, City
Shipper #1's receipt date: 5/12
Quantity: 500 cases
Invoice: 1334
Invoice date: 5/10
Lot#: 245

Shipper #1's receipt date: 5/11
Quantity: 400 cases
Invoice: 1235
Invoice date: 5/09
Lot#: 205

Shipper #1's receipt date: 5/10
Quantity: 450 cases
Invoice: 1153
Invoice date: 5/08
Lot#: 197

The following box containing information for Grower #3 points to the box containing the information for Shipper #2:

Grower #3, City
Wholesaler #2's receipt date: 5/11
Quantity: 1000 cases
Invoice: 1612
Invoice date: 5/10
Lot#: 1623